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Topic 3 Test Review

Quiz by Mike Smith

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  • Q1
    a war that took place from 1754 to 1763 that led to the end of French power in North America
    War of 1812
    Albany Plan of Union
    French and Indian War
    Treaty of Paris
  • Q2
    Why was the Ohio River important to the French?
    It was close to an area that the British were turning into farmland.
    It linked their Great Lakes claims with their settlements along the Mississippi River.
    It was essential for American Indian allies.
    It provided a way to ship lumber for French shipbuilding.
  • Q3
    What most upset American Indians about British settlers in the Ohio River Valley?
    The British charged high prices for their trade goods.
    The British fought with the French.
    The British hunted and trapped fur-bearing animals.
    The British cleared the land to establish farms.
  • Q4
    What was the significance of the place where the French built Fort Duquesne and where George Washington was ordered to build a fort?
    It was near rivers important for controlling the Ohio Valley.
    It was in the middle of rich agricultural lands.
    It was an area of importance to many American Indian groups.
    It was the eastern border of the Ohio Valley.
  • Q5
    The Treaty of Paris of 1763 was significant for the British because they
    gained the port city of New Orleans to expand trade.
    allowed the French to maintain control of Canada.
    gave Spain most of the French islands in the West Indies.
    gained control of most of the French land east of the Mississippi.
  • Q6
    a letter-writing campaign that became a major tool of protest in the colonies
    committee of correspondence
    writ of assistance
  • Q7
    How did the aftermath of the Proclamation of 1763 show the growing tension between Parliament and the colonies?
    Most settlers disliked the proclamation but agreed to move eastward.
    Many angry settlers ignored the proclamation and moved westward.
    The settlers welcomed additional British troops to provide security.
    The settlers refused to expand trade networks in western lands.
  • Q8
    The essential idea behind the British mercantilist system was that
    the colonies should expand trade with other nations.
    taxes should be lower to encourage small business growth.
    economic growth in the colonies should benefit Britain.
    any tax increases should be used to support colonial growth.
  • Q9
    Why did the colonists object so strongly to writs of assistance?
    They restricted the right to public protests.
    They encouraged expansion of trade with England.
    They violated property rights under British law.
    They prosecuted smugglers from other countries.
  • Q10
    Why did John Adams defend British soldiers accused of participation in the Boston Massacre?
    He wanted a quick conviction of guilt for all the soldiers.
    He wanted to show that colonists believed in justice.
    He wanted the experience in court to further his career.
    He wanted to improve his knowledge of British trial law.
  • Q11
    The colonists reacted angrily to the Tea Act because they thought it
    forced them not to buy tea.
    kept them from buying tea at a low price.
    went against the principles of mercantilism.
    was a way to make them accept British taxes.
  • Q12
    How did the other colonies react to the Intolerable Acts?
    Most of the colonies thought they were an appropriate response to events in Boston.
    Most of the colonies united with Massachusetts against the acts.
    Most of the colonies approved of the acts' economic benefits for Boston.
    Most of the colonies thought Massachusetts should deal with Britain alone.
  • Q13
    What was significant about the Battle of Lexington?
    Minutemen used the region's geography to defeat the British from cover of woods and fields.
    Minutemen opposed British troops for the first time.
    Minutemen faced British troops and forced them back at a bridge.
    The British were not willing to use deadly force in the battle.
  • Q14
    Which action taken by the Second Continental Congress shows they were hoping to avoid war?
    The Congress formally accepted the Intolerable Acts and British trade policies.
    The Congress brought colonial leaders together to discuss the situation.
    The Congress created the Continental Army with George Washington as commander.
    The Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George and Parliament.
  • Q15
    Which groups tended to be Loyalists?
    wealthy merchants and farmers, former royal officials
    small farmers in rural areas
    college students and teachers, newspaper writers
    workers and apprentices in cities

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