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Topic 8.6-8.9 assessment

Quiz by Leesa Halcro

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22 questions
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  • Q1
    White Southerners who owned small farms that produced crops for their own use and to trade with local merchants were called
    plantation owners.
    tenant farmers.
  • Q2
    Based on the diagram above, which of the following statements is accurate?
    Question Image
    Most of the Southern population owned five or more slaves
    Over half of the southern population did not own slaves
    Most African Americans in the South were free
    Most southern whites owned slaves
  • Q3
    What was the primary reason for slave codes?
    to force enslaved people to marry partners chosen by plantation owners
    to ensure that enslaved people received a minimal education
    to establish white peoples' control over every aspect of the lives of enslaved people
    to prevent the importation of enslaved people to the United States
  • Q4
    What was the most common form of resistance practiced by enslaved African Americans?
    working slowly
    singing work songs
    running away
    stealing tools
  • Q5
    Which of the following is shown by GREEN shaded area on the map?
    Question Image
    Western territories
    Free States
    Slave states
  • Q6
    By the mid-1800s, the largest cities in the South had developed along
    rivers or coasts.
    paved roads.
  • Q7
    “We were worked in all weathers. It was never too hot or too cold; it could never rain, blow, hail, or snow, too hard for us to work in the field. . . The longest days were too short for him [Mr. Covey], and the shortest nights too long for him. I was somewhat unmanageable when I first went there, but a few months of this discipline tamed me.” —Frederick Douglass, 1845 Frederick Douglass was born into slavery but escaped as a young man. In this excerpt from his autobiography, he describes his experiences with a farmer named Edward Covey. This passage from Douglass’s autobiography particularly highlights
    the desire that all enslaved people had to escape into freedom.
    the harsh and unjust ways enslaved people were routinely treated.
    the ways people tried to justify slavery by referring to religion.
    the attempts slaveholders made to maintain good relationships with enslaved people.
  • Q8
    “We were worked in all weathers. It was never too hot or too cold; it could never rain, blow, hail, or snow, too hard for us to work in the field. . . The longest days were too short for him [Mr. Covey], and the shortest nights too long for him. I was somewhat unmanageable when I first went there, but a few months of this discipline tamed me.” —Frederick Douglass, 1845 Based on the passage, how did Douglass change after he began working for Covey?
    Douglass became more rebellious because of how Covey treated him.
    Covey’s cruel treatment broke Douglass’s spirit over time
    Douglass’s feelings toward slaveholders softened a bit.
    Covey taught Douglass the importance of being a hard worker
  • Q9
    White women in the West often had more rights than women in other regions of the United States because
    they could negotiatie treaties
    their labor was needed for families to survive
    they could not vote or run for office
    thier labor was less important than men's
  • Q10
    If we do not prepare children to be good citizens; if we do not develop their capacities, if we do not enrich their minds with knowledge, imbue their hearts with love of truth and duty, and a reverence for all things sacred and holy, then our republic must go down to destruction as others have gone before it. ~Horace Mann, quoted in A Century of Childhood (Heininger) Which of the following best summarizes Horace Mann's beliefs?
    It is a parent's responsibility to educate his or her own children.
    Not all citizens in the United States deserve a free and public education.
    Public education is essential for a democracy to succeed.
    Education is not essential to the success of democracy.
  • Q11
    We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; ~He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise…. ~He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice…. ~He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead... ~He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns… ~After depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single and the owner of property, he has taxed her to support a government which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it… What is one example that the Declaration of Sentiments gives of women's inequality?
    married women cannot keep their earnings
    only married women have the right to vote
    single women pay higher taxes than single men
    married women do not pay taxes
  • Q12
    Based on the timeline, which of the following statements is justified?
    Question Image
    Few Americans children were able to attend school.
    Over time, girls and African American gained more opportunities for schooling.
    Educational reformers primarily focused on college education.
    There were no schools on the frontier.
  • Q13
    Which state led the way in public school reform?
    Question Image
    New York
  • Q14

    a farmer who owns a small farm

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  • Q15

    a plantation manager

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