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Topic Review: Texas during the late 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries

Quiz by Quizalize - Grade 7 Social Studies

Grade 7
Social Studies (2018)
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

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  • Q1
    Which industry developed in Texas that led to an increase in banking and manufacturing, as well as new professions in engineering?
    The Farming Industry
    The Cattle Industry
    The Oil Industry
    The Cotton Industry
  • Q2
    Although the first commercial oil well in Texas was in Corsicana and drilled in 1894, which of the following was the event that proved Texas had large oil deposits?
    The discovery of oil in El Paso in 1902
    The discovery of oil in Brownsville in 1899
    The discovery of oil on Padre Island in 1905
    The discovery of oil in Spindletop in 1901
  • Q3
    Despite the wealth gained and the continued growth of the oil industry in Texas, it was not until which decade that Texas moved to a more industrial-based economy?
  • Q4
    Which of the following industries have grown due the expansion of the oil industry in Texas?
    Cotton, Cattle and he Railroad
    Refineries, chemical plants, and real estate
    Textiles, furniture and fishing
    Sheep ranching, corn and wheat farming
  • Q5
    Urbanization caused increased demand in farm products and the industry boomed but technology advances led to over-production causing prices to plummet. The Dust Bowl led to economic depression and many farmers lost their land. Later, the industry revived due to the increased demands of World War II. This is an example of a _________________.
    Get Rich Get Poor Economic Cycle
    Steady Rise Stock Cycle
    Boom and Bust Economic Cycle
    Rare Economic trend.
  • Q6
    Which of the following best describes the major industries in Texas?
    If a major industry like oil is doing poorly then an industry like real estate will start to do very well.
    All industries are completely independent from each other.
    The health of one industry can greatly impact the health of another.
    One industry can flourish while another suffers with no relationship between the two.
  • Q7
    Which of the following is a logical chain of events?
    Oil production in other parts of the world decrease causing farmers in Texas to lose their land which drives up the price of real estate causing medical and educational services to decline.
    Over-production of Texas oil causes an increased need for medical and educational services in Texas due to the lowered real estate prices that cause farmers to buy up all the available land for homes.
    Over-production of cotton causes oil prices to surge which in turn lowers the demand for Texas oil. Real estate prices then go up and ranchers are forced to sell their land.
    Oil production in other parts of the world decrease which creates a demand for Texas oil which in turn brings oil workers to Texas which then increases real estate demands and the need for medical and educational services in Texas.
  • Q8
    Which of the following industries grew in Texas out of the need to start diversifying its economy because other Texas industries were too dependent on the health of the oil industry?
    Real Estate
    Computer Technology
  • Q9
    Which two reform movements focused on benefiting farmers?
    Progressivism and Women's Suffrage
    Progressivism and Populism
    Labor Reform and the Conservative movement
    Populism and Agrarianism
  • Q10
    Progressivism had many goals. Which of the following was a major concern to this reform movement?
    Limiting work hours
    African American Civil Rights
    Women's right to vote
    Public Education
  • Q11
    The Women's Suffrage movement was most concerned with which of the following issues?
    Women drafted in the army
    Women forced to work outside the home
    Women's right to vote
    Women's right to equal pay
  • Q12
    Which of the following would be considered a labor reform?
    Decreased break time
    Safety regulations
    longer shifts
    lower wages
  • Q13
    Which of the following groups was organized in Texas to support the rights of Spanish speaking Americans?
    The American G.I. Forum
  • Q14
    Who founded the American G.I. Forum to help veterans obtain education and health care?
    James Farmer
    Jane McCallum
    Oveta Culp Hobby
    Hector P. Garcia
  • Q15
    Which of the following was President of the United States, from Texas, and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law?
    John F. Kennedy
    Richard Nixon
    Lyndon B. Johnson
    Jimmy Carter

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