Torah sheba'al peh and Mishnayos brachos - perek 1
Quiz by Yehoshua Einbinder
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- Q1
Mishnayos is a part of the Torah Shebichsav, the written Torah
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q2
What is/are Mishnayos?
Random facts about life
Special laws that are not connected to us these days.
The main structure of the Torah Sheba'al peh
30s - Q3
Complete this sentence; "Each Mishna is a _______________________________"
statement made by an Amorah
a list of stories with questions, answers, proofs and disproofs.
small bit of Torah sheba'al peh
30s - Q4
What is the title of the authors of the Mishnayos?
30s - Q5
Which of the following compiled (put together) the Mishna?
Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi
Rabbi Tarfon
30s - Q6
Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi is the only author of the entire Mishnayot.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q7
In every Mishna, there is only one opinion.
falsetrueTrue or False30s - Q8
What is a "machloket"
A tool one uses to show that someone else is wrong.
A disagreement of chachamim to find out what the halacha is in a specific case.
A book with all the stories of the Torah.
30s - Q9
What are the 4 main parts of a Mishna?
Torah, neviim, kesuvim and shulchan aruch
Omer, mikrah, din and ta'am
Fishing, basketball, football and swimming
Shabbos, Yom tov, fast days and regular weekdays.
30s - Q10
Explain "אומר"
The speaker of the Mishna (there can be more than one)
The first case in the Mishna
The reason for the law in the Mishna
A story quoted in the Mishna
The law in the Mishna
30s - Q11
Explain "mikreh"
The case in the Mishna - what the Mishna is discussing
The speaker in the Mishna
The reason in the Mishna
The law in the Mishna
30s - Q12
Explain "din"
The speaker of the Mishna
The reason in the Mishna
The law in the Mishna
The case in the Mishna.
30s - Q13
Explain "ta'am"
The reason for the law in the Mishna, (sometimes a Mishna will not teach the reason.)
The cases in each Mishna
The speakers in the Mishna
The laws in the Mishna
30s - Q14
Which masechta are we learning in school this year?
Masechet Shema
Masechet Brachot
Masechet Taharot
Masechet Parsha
30s - Q15
In the first Mishna, Mishna Alef, the Mishna discusses _________________________
The beginning and end times to say Shema in the evening.
The brachos we say on food
The position you must be in while saying Shema
The brachos we after eating food