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Touching Spirit Bear Figures of Speech 1-8

Quiz by Pauline Sung

Grade 8
English Language Arts
Common Core

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25 questions
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  • Q1
    He (Garvey) was built like a bulldog with lazy eyes. (p. 3) The figure of speech illustrated in this sentence is
  • Q2
    He (Edwin) stared forward with a steely patience, like a wolf waiting. (p. 4) The above simile compares
    Edwin‘s posture to a wolf
    Edwin‘s stare to a wolf stalking prey
    Edwin‘s patience to a stalking wolf
    a wolf to a stare
  • Q3
    Cole nodded obediently, like a little puppy that would follow every rule and jump through the hoop. (p. 16) Which of the following changes the simile in the above sentence to a metaphor?
    Like a little puppy, Cole nodded obediently and promised to jump through every hoop.
    Cole nodded obediently, like a willing little puppy.
    Cole nodded obediently like a little puppy jumping through the hoop.
    Cole was an obedient little puppy that would follow every rule and jump through the hoop.
  • Q4
    “This island is covered with Devil’s Club. Don’t grab it or hundreds of tiny thistles will infect your hands and make them swell up like sausages.” (p. 17) Which phrase from this passage is the figure of speech?
    infect your hands
    hundreds of tiny thistles
    like sausages
    covered with Devil‘s Club
  • Q5
    One afternoon, after he had refused to do the schoolwork they brought to him, his television privileges had been revoked. Cole purposely isolated himself in his room, sitting sullenly. His anger smoldered like a lit fuse. (p. 22) The best interpretation of the simile above is Cole was
    really angry, but holding it in
    shouting and cursing
    waiting for the guards to leave the room before he exploded in anger
    doing his homework
  • Q6
    The stuffy room felt like a furnace. (p. 28) Which of the following is a hyperbole based on the meaning of the above simile?
    The stuffy room was like an oven.
    The stuffy room was on fire.
    The stuffy room was a million degrees.
    The stuffy room was extremely hot.
  • Q7
    Inch by inch the billowing flames devoured the supplies and the shelter. (p. 30) The figure of speech illustrated in the sentence above is
    a simile
    a hyperbole
    a metaphor
  • Q8
    The flames of the burning shelter rumbled like a freight train and sucked at the air. The smoke poured from the doorway and boiled upward from the blaze. (p. 31) The two figures of speech in this passage are
    metaphor and personification
    simile and metaphor
    simile and personification
    metaphor and personification
  • Q9
    Cole’s father and their lawyer, Nathaniel Blackwood, entered together, wearing dark three-piece suits and ties. They looked completely out of place. The lawyer looked as if he’d been dipped in plastic. (p. 36) The simile in this excerpt implies that the lawyer‘s appearance was
    threatening and intimidating
    rigidly formal and somewhat snobbish
    a mirror image of Cole‘s father
    efficient and comforting
  • Q10
    . . . The world seemed to tilt and spin. In the dawn light, billowy clouds mounded against the far horizon like a snowdrift. (p. 44) The simile above compares
    the light of dawn to a snowdrift
    the dawn to the billowing horizon
    the world to the a spinning top
    the clouds to a snowdrift
  • Q11
    near the opening of the bay, a massive white bear stood as motionless as a statue, facing him. (p. 44) Which of the following, if substituted for the simile above, would transform the figure of speech in the passage from simile to metaphor?
    stood, a motionless statue, facing him
    stood facing him as motionless as a statue.
    stood as motionless as the surrounding boulders, facing him,
    stood motionless, facing him,
  • Q12
    Circle Justice stunk! Each word spoken in the Circle was like kindling added to his smoldering anger. (p. 46) The simile in this sentence compares
    Circle Justice to kindling
    kindling to fire
    spoken words to kindling
    Cole to kindling
  • Q13
    “Tonight, raw feelings have been exposed like plowed up ground,” she (the Keeper) said. (p. 53) The best interpretation of the simile in this sentence is that
    people should keep bad feelings to themselves.
    strong feelings are often hard to express,
    bad things sometimes grow from bad feelings,
    strong feeling have been openly expressed,
  • Q14
    On his left stood a liar (Cole’s father) who had beat him numb, and on his right stood a dressed-up puppet (Cole’s mother) afraid of her own shadow. (p. 53) Which of the following phrases from the sentence is a metaphor?
    a dressed-up puppet,
    afraid of her own shadow.
    beat him numb,
    stood a liar,
  • Q15
    The canopy of trees, vines, deadfall, and undergrowth formed a wall of dark green vegetation that would have been hard to crawl through. How did the Spirit Bear move like a ghost through such tangled forest? (53) The simile in this passage compared
    the Spirit Bear‘s appearance to a wall,
    the Spirit Bear‘s movement to that of a ghost.
    the canopy of vegetation to a wall,
    the vegetation to a canopy,

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