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Towards Independence

Quiz by Kim Testa

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11 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of these banned colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?
    Declaratory Act
    Proclamation of 1766
    Proclamation of 1763
    Treaty of Paris 1763
  • Q2
    Which of these ended the French and Indian War, causing France to give Canada and the eastern portion of Louisiana to Britain?
    Treaty of Paris 1783
    Treaty of Paris 1763
    Proclamation of 1763
    Louisiana Purchase
  • Q3
    Which of these caused the Proclamation of 1763?
    Treaty of Paris 1783
    Iroquois League
    Quartering Act
    Pontiac's Rebellion
  • Q4
    Which of these required colonists to house and feed British soldiers at their own expense?
    Declaratory Act
    Homestead Act
    Quartering Act
    Currency Act
  • Q5
    What was the disputed territory that both France and Great Britain wanted during the French and Indian War to give them control of the fur trade with Native Americans?
    Pontiac's Valley
    Fort Duquense
    Ohio River Valley
  • Q6
    Which of these was the first direct tax on colonists, increasing the price of all printed items such as newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards?
    Stamp Act
    Townshend Acts
    Sugar Act
    Quartering Act
  • Q7
    Issued in 1767, which of these taxed items such as glass, lead, and paint?
    Intolerable Acts
    Stamp Act
    Townshend Acts
    Sugar Act
  • Q8
    What event on March 5, 1770 helped unite the colonies against the mother country when British soldiers fired into an unarmed crowd?
    Boston Tea Party
    the "shot heard 'round the world"
    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Boston Massacre
  • Q9
    What event in December 1773 involving the Sons of Liberty caused the British to pass the Intolerable Acts to punish Boston?
    Siege of Boston
    Boston Massacre
    Boston Tea Party
    Battle of Saratoga
  • Q10
    Which of these did NOT happen under the Intolerable Acts?
    ban on Boston assemblies and self-government
    ban on imports to and exports from Boston
    trials for certain cases moved to Britain
    tax on printed items
  • Q11
    Which of the following describes the First Continental Congress?
    delegates such as Thomas Jefferson from Virginia and John Adams from Massachusetts met in Philadelphia to plan a united response to increasing British control
    delegates such as George Washington from Virginia met in Philadelphia to discuss independence from Britain
    delegates such as Patrick Henry from Massachusetts met in Philadelphia to discuss independence from Britain

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