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Quiz by Zsolt Gara

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14 questions
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  • Q1
    You can't drive into this street. It's a _______________________ __________________. (P)
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  • Q2
    She's more _________________________ to accept your invitation if you send a card to her parents as well. (L)
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  • Q3
    There is a ____________________________ _____________________ on this road, which means you mustn't drive faster than 70 km/h. (S)
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  • Q4
    A ______________________ is a vehicle in a city which moves by electricity along special rails in the road. (T)
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  • Q5
    'Excuse me, sir. Where can I get a cab?' 'There's a ___________________ _______________ right outside the station.' (T)
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  • Q6
    It's really difficult to travel in a city during the morning ____________________ ________________ because there is a big crowd on the roads going to work . (R)
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  • Q7
    The train to Bristol is leaving from ____________ 15. (P)
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  • Q8
    Try to _________ the amount of sugar in your tea. You eat too much of it. (R)
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  • Q9
    When you travel in a car, never forget to fasten the ____________________ ___________________ . (S)
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  • Q10
    Do you think women ___________ ____________ speak more than men? (T)
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  • Q11
    If you want to go to Nagykanizsa by this train, don't sit in the last ______________________ . It will only go to Sz�kesfeh�rv�r.
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  • Q12
    Jane's so _____________________ about our exam. She doesn't believe we'll pass. (S)
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  • Q13
    When you travel by _________________ ______________________ such as bus or train, you have to buy a ticket.
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  • Q14
    If you don't want to be hit by a car, use the _________________ ________________ along this road. (C)
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