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Truths and Lies

Quiz by Heidi S. Westrop

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28 questions
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  • Q1
    Marie Patterson has been to every state but 3.
  • Q2
    Yaneth Renteria is the oldest in the family and the first one to get a Bachelor's Degree as a teacher!
  • Q3
    Bonnie used to work at a Dude Ranch in Colorado.
  • Q4
    Last summer I went to Vegas and I watched a comedy show. Carrot Top was Hilarious!
    Liz Brown
    Cindy Bingham
    Crystal Martin
    Cathy Sabey
  • Q5
    Ryan Brown-Which is the LIE?
    I have eaten earthworm.
    I have eaten red wing blackbird.
    I have eaten beaver
  • Q6
    Lynette Schiess-What is the LIE?
    I went to Dixie on a volleyball scholarship.
    I graduated top girl in my class from Wasatch High.
    I now live in the same house that I grew up in.
  • Q7
    Andrea Sluga-Which is the LIE?
    I have driven 110 miles/hour down Parley's canyon.
    I have hiked to the top of "Tooth of time" in New Mexico.
    I have jumped off a bungee tower.
  • Q8
    Denise Wade-Which is the LIE?
    School is dangerous! I have broken 2 bones while teaching.
    I love seafood.
    I have never said a swear word.
  • Q9
    Cindy Brindley-Which is the LIE?
    I have all girls.
    I have been to Haiti.
    I played hide and seek at the Utah State capitol.
  • Q10
    Diana Zarrabal-Which is the LIE?
    I go to the gym almost everyday.
    I don't know how to swim.
    I got proposed to the first time and I said YES!
  • Q11
    Machele Crystal-Which is the TRUTH?
    I have ran with the bulls in San Antonio, Tx.
    I have watched a baby calf be born.
    I have played tackle football.
  • Q12
    Lindsay Jepperson-Which is the LIE?
    I am a mother of 3.
    I am a recovering heroin addict.
    I am a polygamist wife.
  • Q13
    Cathy Kendall-Which is the LIE?
    I don't like cereal.
    I dance in my kitchen when I cook.
    I can't stay awake past 10 PM
  • Q14
    Kena Mair-Which is the TRUTH?
    I was charged a misdemeanor and was on probation for 3 months.
    I have my own Harley Davidson.
    I have traveled to 3 different countries.
  • Q15
    Denise Marshall-Which is the LIE?
    I am scared of moths.
    I have eaten cow brain.
    I broke my right arm in 4th grade.

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