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Types & Causes Of Deafness

Quiz by Chris

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  • Q1
    Sometimes, a doctor may have to remove a buildup of earwax by squirting warm water into the auditory canal. The most likely reason for doing this is to relieve
    pressure on the eardrum
    the ossicles from being glued together
    temporary conductive hearing loss
    temporary sensorineural hearing loss
  • Q2
    Sometimes, when you have a bad cold, fluid can build up in the ear causing earache and loss of hearing. This is an example of
    conductive hearing loss
    auditory neuropathy
    mixed hearing loss
    sensorineural hearing loss
  • Q3
    Sometimes, when you have a bad cold, fluid can build up in the ear causing earache and loss of hearing. The part of the ear that is most likely affected would be the
    tympanic membrane
    middle ear
    auditory canal
  • Q4
    At birth, there are sometimes complications that can cause auditory neuropathy. Such a complication is
    liver not working properly (jaundice)
    ossicles not working properly
    tympanic membrane not working properly
    heart not working properly (jaundice)
  • Q5
    If a baggage handler does not wear ear protection while working near a jet engine, they could suffer a type of ear damage called
    auditory neuropathy
    conductive hearing loss
    sensorineural hearing loss
    mixed hearing loss
  • Q6
    If a baggage handler has not been wearing ear protection with care while working near a jet engine, the part of their ear that is most likely to be damaged is the
    eustachian tube in the middle ear
    tympanic membrane in the outer ear
    hair cells in the cochlea
    ossicles in the middle ear
  • Q7
    The common type of permanent hearing loss is
    sensorineural hearing loss
    conductive hearing loss
    mixed hearing loss
    auditory neuropathy
  • Q8
    During birth, the umbilical cord may get twisted, causing the oxygen supply to the baby to be cut off. This can cause
    conductive hearing loss
    mixed hearing loss
    sensorineural hearing loss
    auditory neuropathy
  • Q9
    Difficulty hearing people speak when there is a lot of background noise is a symptom most commonly associated with
    conductive hearing loss
    mixed hearing loss
    sensorineural hearing loss
    auditory neuropathy
  • Q10
    The part of the ear that is most commonly affected in auditory neuropathy is the
    auditory nerve
    auditory canal

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