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  • Q1
    Understanding by Design is...
    a list of steps that teachers follow to plan an activity.
    a prescriptive recipe for curricular planning.
    a way of thinking purposefully about curricular planning.
    a methodology for teaching and understanding the language.
  • Q2
    One of the ideas that supports UbD is that understanding is revealed when students...
    follow the instructions and do homework by themselves.
    pass the tests.
    autonomously make sense of and transfer their learning through authentic performance.
    ask questions to the teacher during class.
  • Q3
    In UbD, effective curriculum is planned through a three-stage design process...
    Desired Results, Evidence, Learning Plan.
    Input, Process, Output
    Forward, Central, Backward.
    Syllabus, Methodology, Learning outcomes.
  • Q4
    One of the questions the teacher answers when identifying desired results is...
    What performances and products will reveal evidence of meaning-making and transfer?
    How will progress be monitored?
    What activities, experiences, and lessons will lead to achievement of the desired results and success at the assessments?
    What long-term transfer goals are targeted?
  • Q5
    One of the questions the teacher answers when determining acceptable evidence is...
    What established goals/standards are targeted?
    How will the unit be sequenced and differentiated to optimize achievement for all learners?
    What meanings should students make to arrive at important understandings?
    By what criteria will performance be assessed?
  • Q6
    One of the questions the teacher answers when planning learning experiences and instruction is...
    What knowledge and skill will students acquire?
    What performances and products will reveal evidence of meaning-making and transfer?
    How will the unit be sequenced and differentiated to optimize achievement for all learners?
    What meanings should students make to arrive at important understandings?
  • Q7
    Melisa is thinking about what she wants her students to be able to do in the real world at the end of the term. What is she doing?
    She is writing her learning plan and planning activities.
    She is thinking of the essential questions that she wants to ask students.
    She is thinking about what assessment to give at the end of the term.
    She is thinking about long-term transfer goals.
  • Q8
    Marco is setting up the performances and products that his students will show him to prove that they understand and have transferred knowledge and skills. What is he doing?
    He is creating worksheets and making copies.
    He is planning the evidence or assessments.
    He is creating the learning plan or lessons.
    He is thinking about how to teach students directly.
  • Q9
    Which of the following is an example of an indicator of understanding?
    Maria is watching a video to help her understand how to stress words.
    Maria is practicing her pronunciation using a set of flashcards.
    Maria is reading back a set of notes she took during her class to another student.
    Maria is explaining how intonation works in English using a process she has learned.
  • Q10
    The UbD template helps the teacher make a deliberate effort to check that ...
    the proposed learning events honor established goals and assessments.
    he will use class time appropriately.
    students will develop all the activities proposed.
    he will control students discipline in an easier way.

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