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Unit 14: Civil War

Quiz by Brenda Nathman

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53 questions
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  • Q1
    Ft Sumter
    1st shots of Civil War; Confederates fire first; Union forced to surrender - Confederate victory
  • Q2
    wealthiest and most populous state in Confederate States of America; birthplace of Robert E. Lee who will go with this state when it joins the Confederacy
  • Q3
    Robert E. Lee
    becomes Commanding General for Northern Army of Virginia (Confederate Army) after he turns down Lincoln's offer to command Union Army
  • Q4
    Border States
    Slave states that remained in Union - Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland and eventually West Virginia; their slaves were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation because they were not "in rebellion"
  • Q5
    United States of America; Northern states during the Civil War; called Yankees by Southerners; uniforms were blue
  • Q6
    Confederate States of America
    what the south called the nation they tried to create after seceding from United States; called "Rebels" by North, uniforms were supposed to be gray
  • Q7
    Jefferson Davis
    President of the Confederate States of America
  • Q8
    Richmond, VA
    the capital of the Confederacy; Lincoln's strategy was for Union to capture this important city
  • Q9
    Union Advantages in Civil War
    Larger population, 85% of factories, most miles of railroad, great leader - Abraham Lincoln
  • Q10
    Southern Advantages in Civil War
    Great generals, strong military tradition, fighting defensive war, fighting for homes and property
  • Q11
    Anaconda Plan
    Union's strategy to "squeeze" Southern economy; Blockade coast & control Mississippi River
  • Q12
    Cotton Diplomacy
    Southern strategy to withhold cotton from Britain until they agree to help them - doesn't work - they have a surplus
  • Q13
    a gun with a grooved barrel that causes a bullet to spin through the air; more deadly than previous weapons leading to high casualty rate in civil war
  • Q14
    minie ball
    a cone shaped bullet with a hollow base that expanded when fired through a rifle; used in Civil War and led to high casualty rate
  • Q15
    ironclad ship
    Civil War-era ships that were totally encased in iron, thus making them very difficult to damage

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