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Unit 2: Forging of a Nation

Quiz by Lamont Tindley

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15 questions
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  • Q1

    Which quote would come from someone who supports Manifest Destiny?

    "I think it is the right of the United States to stretch its land to the Pacific Ocean."

    "I think that slavery should not exist in any lands above the 48 degree latitude, 40 degree longitude line."

    "I do not believe that we should purchase the Louisiana Territory from France."

    "We should live in alongside the Native American tribes in our states."

  • Q2

    Sectionalism refers to this. 

    You place more importance on racial issues than any other issues. 

    The idea that your nation is more important than your region. 

    You place your importance on foreign affairs more so than domestic affairs.

    The idea that your region is more important than your nation. 

  • Q3

    What was the goal of the Missouri Compromise?

    It was to make sure that all of the states were free states.

    It was to make sure that slavery was outlawed in the United States. 

    It was to balance the slave states and the free states.

    It was to spread slavery into all of the new territory acquired by the United States. 

  • Q4

    Which shows an example of popular sovereignty?

    States would vote on whether a state should be slave or free.

    States below the 48 degree latitude 40 degree longitude line would be slave states. 

    The Supreme Court would decide whether a state was a slave or free state. 

    Native Americans would be removed from acquired lands. 

  • Q5

    What was a result of the California Gold Rush?

    Many people became rich so it allowed slavery to spread in that area. 

    The population of California increased so it became a state in 1850.

    Not a lot of people decided to move there due to the travel time. 

    California lost a lot of residents to Mexico due to its slavery policy. 

  • Q6

    The Compromise of 1850 was put in place due to this. 

    Texas wanted to become a slave state after winning its independence from Mexico. 

    The acquisition of the Kansas and Nebraska territory led to the compromise. 

    The United States gained land from winning the Mexican American War.

    It resulted from the United States acquiring land from the Louisiana Territory. 

  • Q7

    What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

    A law that said that both states would become slave states. 

    A law that removed Native Americans to move to the territory after being removed. 

    A law that said both of the states could not spread slavery into those territories.

    A law that decided slave or free state based on popular sovereignty. 

  • Q8

    What was the purpose of slave rebellions?

    To resist the oppression from slavery.

    To passively resist the evils of slavery. 

    To join the North in the Civil War. 

    To gain rights for blacks with the 13th Amendment. 

  • Q9

    This event led to the secession of Southern States. 

    The passage of the 13th Amendment

    The Kansas - Nebraska Act

    John Brown's Raid

    The election of Abraham Lincoln.

  • Q10

    Why was Gettysburg considered the "turning point" of the Civil War?

    The Union troops gained steps toward victory after this battle because it ended General Lee's plans to invade the North. 

    The slaves in the United States were freed after this battle. 

    The slaves and freemen were able to fight in the war after this battle. 

    The Union was able to burn all of the land from Georgia to the Atlantic Ocean. 

  • Q11

    This document freed slaves in the Confederate States which allowed them to fight later in the Civil War. 

    13th Amendment

    Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Compromise of 1850

    Emancipation Proclamation

  • Q12

    What was the goal of the Seneca Falls Convention?

    To free all of the slaves in the United States

    To find Abraham Lincoln's killer

    To protest the Dred Scott decision

    To gain rights, including voting rights, for women. 

  • Q13

    How did the acquiring of territory after the Mexican American War impact the issue of slavery?

    It led to conflicts over the spread of slavery in those territories that were gained after the Mexican American War.  

    It led to conflicts  over whether to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act to capture escaped slaves. 

    It led to conflicts over whether slaves would be able to move into those territories after freedom. 

    It led to conflicts over whether slaves would be able to fight in wars after freedom. 

  • Q14

    How did the cotton gin affect life in the South?

    It increased the demand for slave labor. 

    It allowed many slaves to become free. 

    Many slaves were able to get paid for their work. 

    It caused the Southerners to leave the Union. 

  • Q15

    Why was the Dred Scott decision important for the issue of slavery?

    It allowed many blacks to gain their freedom. 

    Slaves were able to get paid after this decision. 

    It made the Missouri Compromise a constitutional act. 

    It did not limit slavery to slave states. 


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