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Unit 2 PreQuiz

Quiz by John Baker

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following statistical measures is used to describe the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables in research methods in psychology?
    Correlation coefficient
    Negative skew
    Positive skew
    Standard deviation
  • Q2
    What does a correlation coefficient of -0.70 indicate about the relationship between two variables in research methods in psychology?
    A strong positive relationship
    A weak negative relationship
    A strong negative relationship
    No relationship
  • Q3
    What does a correlation coefficient of 0.25 suggest about the relationship between two variables in research methods in psychology?
    No relationship
    A strong negative relationship
    A weak positive relationship
    A strong positive relationship
  • Q4
    What is the purpose of a control group in experimental research?
    To eliminate variability in the results
    To provide a baseline for comparison to the experimental group
    To receive the experimental treatment first
    To analyze the data statistically
  • Q5
    Which research method involves observing subjects in their natural environment without any manipulation of variables?
    Case study
    Longitudinal study
    Naturalistic observation
  • Q6
    Which research method involves collecting data from a group of participants at one specific point in time?
    Cross sectional study
    Case study
    Longitudinal study
  • Q7
    Which research method involves studying a single individual or a small group in depth to gain insight into specific behavior or psychological phenomena?
    Case study
    Longitudinal study
    Naturalistic observation
  • Q8
    Which research method involves gathering data from a large group of people by asking them questions about their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors?
    Longitudinal study
    Case study
    Naturalistic observation
  • Q9
    Which research method involves studying the same group of participants over an extended period of time to observe changes or development?
    Longitudinal study
    Case study
    Cross sectional study
  • Q10
    In a matched pairs design, what is the purpose of matching participants on specific characteristics before assigning them to different treatment groups?
    To reduce the influence of individual differences on the dependent variable
    To ensure the independent variable is manipulated effectively
    To increase the variability in the dependent variable
    To eliminate the need for random sampling and random assignment
  • Q11
    Which of the following is a characteristic of a representative sample?
    It involves assigning participants to different treatment groups
    It makes use of matched pairs design
    It accurately reflects the population it is drawn from
    It consists of participants with similar characteristics
  • Q12
    What is the purpose of random assignment in an experiment?
    To increase the variability in the dependent variable
    To ensure the independent variable is manipulated effectively
    To minimize the influence of confounding variables on the dependent variable
    To create matched pairs of participants
  • Q13
    What is the role of the independent variable in an experiment?
    To serve as a control variable in the analysis
    To remain constant and unchanged throughout the study
    To be manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable
    To be measured as the outcome of the study
  • Q14
    What is the primary difference between random sampling and random assignment in research?
    Random sampling is used in observational studies, while random assignment is used in experimental studies.
    Random sampling involves selecting participants for a study, while random assignment involves assigning participants to different treatment groups.
    Random sampling ensures all participants have an equal chance of being selected, while random assignment controls for confounding variables.
    Random sampling is used to generalize findings to a population, while random assignment is used to establish cause and effect relationships.
  • Q15
    In an experimental study, what is the role of the dependent variable?
    To be measured or observed as the outcome of the treatment or manipulation of the independent variable
    To determine the selection criteria for the sample
    To remain constant and unchanged throughout the study
    To be manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the independent variable

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