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Unit 3, Lessons 6-8: Types of Programs, Debugging, Pair prog, comments, docs

Quiz by McCartney, Callie R

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  • Q1

    Debugging is an extremely important skill in life and in programming.  It is the process of finding and fixing problems in your code (or any project).  Here are some good methods,.  Put them in the categories they go in.

    sorting:// Keep your code clean| Use meaningful IDs for elements to keep track of them and their function, Keep your code organized in chunks that do the 1 thing at a time, Use comments to explain your code: Run your code to test it| Run your code frequently!, Slow your code with the slider. Walk through how it runs closely, Add extra outputs in your code to get feedback on what is running: Use classmates and resources| Talk out the problems with a partner or classmate, Compare your code to examples that you know work, Read the documentation to know how a block is supposed to work

  • Q2

    Pair Programming

    Two programmers work together.  One does the whole program and the other one live tweets it

    Two programmers split up the work and never talk to each other

    Two programmers work on separate things sitting next to each other

    Two programmers work together as a pair. One writes program code, while the other reviews each line of code and guides towards the goal.

  • Q3

    What are Comments in code and why do programmers use them?

    sorting://True of Comments| Text in the program that the computer ignores, Helps Programmers keep track of where they are and what they’re doing, Programmers can leave notes for each other: False of Comments| Not super helpful, Can confuse the computer, Can make code messy and hard to read, Not helpful once the code works

  • Q4

    What is Documentation?

    sorting:// Documentation| Comments, explanation of how a section of code works, explanation of how a whole program works, explanation of how a single command works, explanation of how a library of commands works: Not Documentation| using a program, using a command, using a part of a code, writing down why you like a section of code, sharing code with a friend and snap chatting that it was your cool innovation

  • Q5

    A program and program statement are different.  Sort the differences.

    sorting:// Program Statement| a command or instruction, code statement, Instructs the computer what single step to perform next: Program| a collection of program statements, completes a purpose when run

  • Q6

    There are two main types of programming: Event-Driven and Sequential.  Sort the differences.

    sorting:// Event-Driven| run when triggered by user input, run differently each time depending on user interactions: Sequential| program statements run in order from top to bottom, no user interaction, the code runs the same way every time


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