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Unit 4 Vocabulary

Quiz by Anna Niessen

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9 questions
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  • Q1
    What is an "alarm"?
    A broken mess
    Something that is popular
    Something that warns people of danger
    Something that is shocking
  • Q2
    What does "discover" mean?
    To be surprised.
    To find something that is hidden or lost.
    To be on a bus.
    To be in the act of looking for something
  • Q3
    What does "famous" mean?
    To be tiny
    To be very well known.
    To look for something
    To warn someone of something
  • Q4
    What does "famous" mean?
    To warn someone of something
    To look for something
    To be tiny
    To be very well known.
  • Q5
    What is "ocean"?
    A person crying
    A large body of water
    To travel to study something
  • Q6
    What is an "explorer"
    Someone who travels somewhere to study something.
    A car you sit in
    To adventure
    To find something hidden
  • Q7
    What is "passenger"?
    A person driving
    A band
    Someone who rides in a car, boat, bus, or another vehicle.
    A cat
  • Q8
    What is "search"
    To look for something you lost or when you are currently looking for something
    To find something you had lost.
    To dig a hole
    Left after a crash
  • Q9
    What is a "wreck" ?
    A large body of water
    Sitting at a gas station
    A messy closet
    What is left after a crash

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