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Unit Five, voting and voter turnout 5.1 -5.2

Quiz by Carl Rudd

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  • Q1
    Which of the following best represents an example of prospective voting in a presidential election?
    A voter chooses the incumbent president because he agrees with the decisions the president has made while in office.
    A teenager participating in their first election chooses to vote for the same candidate as his parents.
    A voter chooses the presidential candidate who has had the most political experience.
    A voter chooses the presidential candidate that she believes will appoint Supreme Court justices who agree with her political ideology.
  • Q2
    Which of the following best describes the impact of 24th Amendment?
    Voters can no longer be required to pay in order to vote, allowing for poorer citizens to have the right to vote protected.
    Eighteen year old citizens and older were now guaranteed the right to vote in federal elections.
    In the case of the President being unable to fulfill his duties, the Vice President will now take over the position.
    Citizens living in Washington, D.C. were now given the ability to vote in the Presidential election and impact the electoral college.
  • Q3
    A congressman, up for re-election in the next week, announced his intention to introduce and push through a bill in Congress to legalize marijuana. His hope is that voters will cast their vote for him so that he will push for this upon re-election. Which model of voting behavior is the congressman counting on?
    Prospective Voting
    Rational-Choice Voting
    Retrospective Voting
    Party-Line Voting
  • Q4
    In the election for the House of Representatives in her district, a voter chooses the challenger because she has campaigned on the issue of healthcare reform. This is an example of
    straight-ticket voting.
    split-ticket voting.
    prospective voting.
    retrospective voting.
  • Q5
    "The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax." The quote above is from which of the following constitutional amendments?
    26th Amendment.
    20th Amendment.
    24th Amendment.
    22nd Amendment.
  • Q6
    Sally, a college student, just registered to vote for the first time. Despite this being her first voting opportunity, she remembers from the news that one candidate recently spoke about making college tuition free for students like herself. This appeals to her and she chooses to vote for that candidate. Which model of voting behavior best explains Sally's vote?
    Rational-Choice Voting
    Prospective Voting
    Party-Line Voting
    Retrospective Voting
  • Q7
    Frustrated with the current unified Wisconsin state government, voters turned up in droves to cast their ballots for the opposition party. These voters, voting for candidates of one party, brought a wave of new candidates into office. Which of the following models of voting behavior best illustrates this choice?
    Retrospective Voting
    Rational-Choice Voting
    Prospective Voting
    Party-Line Voting
  • Q8
    Following the Civil War, the United States Constitution was amended to guarantee the rights of the freedmen. Which of the following specifically prevented discrimination in voting rights based on race?
    15th Amendment.
    14th Amendment.
    17th Amendment.
    13th Amendment.
  • Q9
    The state of Arizona, seeking to have a more educated electorate, has decided to move the voting age from 18 to 24. Despite the outrage of citizens in this age group, the policy passes into law. Which of the following would be the most successful action taken by the outraged citizens to rectify the situation?
    The disenfranchised citizens should file a lawsuit with the federal courts to re-establish their right to vote under the 26th Amendment.
    The citizens should meet with their congressman and call for a national change to policy to protect their right to vote.
    The citizens will be forced to leave their state in order to have the opportunity to vote.
    With the availability of the initiative, the citizens should file a petition of the appropriate amount of signatures to change the policy in question.
  • Q10
    A highly circulated newspaper publishes a controversial article with a graph that shows that more than 60% of all casualties suffered by the United States in the Vietnam War were among men under the age of 22. The data in that graph likely led to increased support for which of the following constitutional amendments?
    23rd Amendment.
    26th Amendment.
    24th Amendment.
    25th Amendment.
  • Q11
    Which of the following constitutional principles is most directly supported by the 17th Amendment?
    Judicial review.
    Checks and balances.
    Popular sovereignty.
  • Q12
    Which of the following best represents an example of party-line voting?
    A voter chooses the candidate who promised to promote government policies that will help her small business.
    All Democratic Senators vote against confirming a judicial nominee.
    A voter chooses the candidate who helped to create and sign legislation that decreased his personal income tax.
    A lifelong Republican chooses to vote for all of the Republican candidates on the ballot.
  • Q13
    Those with high levels of political efficacy are more likely than others to
    vote in elections.
    distrust the government.
    have low levels of education.
    be politically conservative.
  • Q14
    Which of the following is true about voter turnout in presidential and mid-term elections?
    Voter turnout is higher in presidential elections than mid-term elections because voters more directly impact the outcome of presidential elections.
    Voter turnout is the same in presidential and mid-term elections because the public interest is equal for both.
    Voter turnout is higher in presidential elections than mid-term elections because voters tend to be more familiar with the candidates.
    Voter turnout is higher in mid-term elections than presidential elections because of the number of offices being contested.
  • Q15
    Which of the following characteristics is most likely to affect a person's likelihood to vote in elections?
    Level of educational attainment.
    Party identification.
    Religious beliefs.
    Marital status.

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