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US History Review

Quiz by Randy J Reysen

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21 questions
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  • Q1
    The philosophy of "Manifest Destiny" stated that American should expand from the Atlantic Ocean to the __________.
    Rocky Mountains
    Great Lakes
    Pacific Ocean
    Mississippi River
  • Q2
    Treaties are agreements made:
    between countries or nations
    between the United States government and farmers
    between Populists and Silverites
    between Cowboys and Indians
  • Q3
    The transcontinental railroad
    connected Canada and Mexico for the first time in American History
    was a dream of George Washington and was finished in 1887 thereby also realizing the dream of manifest destiny
    was completed in 1869 by Chinese and Irish workers and connected the East and West Coast of America by train
    never happened due to loss of funds
  • Q4
    Which 1890 event marked the end of the wars between the federal government and the Plains Indians?
    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    Death of Sitting Bull
    Sand Creek Massacre
    Battle of Wounded Knee
  • Q5
    Why did so many settlers LEAVE their BEFORE they had lived on their homestead for 5 years; thereby, abandoning their claim to the land.
    The land was too difficult to farm
    Most of the best land was taken by groups seeking profits, like the railroads
    The government put too many restrictions on its use
    Few settlers wanted to move West at the time
  • Q6
    Long drives ended at railheads. Define Railheads:
    name of the eastern cattle that bread with Spanish cows.
    Another name for a steam train
    a point on a railroad from which roads and other transportation routes begin - used for loading cattle
    another name for wagon trains
  • Q7
    At first, ranchers saw barbed wire as a threat because it
    kept their herds from roaming freely.
    prevented cattle from finding food.
    harmed their cattle.
    required much effort to maintain.
  • Q8
    The fencing of the open range resulted in:
    lower demand for beef.
    increased sheep herding.
    the end of the long cattle drives.
    an influx of gold miners.
  • Q9
    What describes the historical significance of vaqueros?
    They served in many state and local offices.
    They taught their trade to American cowboys.
    They excluded English-speaking prospectors from gold mines.
    They signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
  • Q10
    “‘If you want to be treated with respect you must know how to speak English,’ he explained to her. ‘It won’t take you more than ten minutes, dear. When you have lived in America for some time, you will understand how necessary it is to know how to say “all right,” “hurry up,” “street” and such words. . . .’” —Abraham Cahan. The quote stresses the speaker’s belief in the importance of:
  • Q11
    How did the Dawes Act begin the “Americanization” of Native Americans?
    It created the reservation system
    It prevented Native Americans to hunt and gather food
    It broke up reservations and gave individual land parcels to Native Americans to make them farmers
    It setup a “dual nation” status for Native Americans
  • Q12
    The American cowboy:
    Worked long hours in tough conditions
    Only existed, as we think of them, for a 20 year period before barbed wire closed the open range.
    Were not all white - in fact upwards of 30-35% were persons of color
    All of the choices are correct
  • Q13
    Which of the following items and ideas was not central to the life and culture of the 1800s Plains Indians?
    the extended family
    Ritual dancing
    the buffalo
    land ownership
  • Q14
    The rapidly growing communities that appeared at the site of mineral strikes were called:
    Bonanza towns
    Bust towns
    Ghost towns
  • Q15
    John Deere is credited with inventing this farming tool:
    Mechanical Reaper
    Steel Plow
    Bonanza Farm

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