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US Imperialism 2

Quiz by Jeff Richards

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16 questions
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  • Q1

    The intent of the Roosevelt Corollary was to?

    Amended the Monroe doctrine to give the US “international police power” to protect its economic interest in Latin America.

  • Q2

    The United States was able to annex Hawaii because

    pro-American planters engineered a revolt in Hawaii to provide a port for American ships.

  • Q3

    American missionary leaders supported imperialism in this era because

    they saw imperialism as an opportunity to convert the “heathens” of newly acquired territories.

  • Q4

    The American desire for imperial acquisitions in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can best be compared to which of the following?

    Manifest Destiny

  • Q5

    Many Americans believed there were too many problems at home and the US was better off taking only caring about issues at home. What was this theory called?

    Isolationist Diplomacy

  • Q6

    This purchase was nicknamed "Seward's Folly" because this territory  had little to no value to the US. And, the  really  wanted Midway Island in the deal.

    The purchase of Alaska

  • Q7

    What does this cartoon represent?

    Question Image

    The Chinese revolutionaries who were involved in the Boxer Rebellion, who tried to expel foreign influence from dividing up China.

  • Q8

    What are the reasons for US believing in imperialism

    idea of cultural superiority, need for new markets, and military ambition and

  • Q9

    Which of the following occurred under Mexican Revolution

    Woodrow Wilson tested his "missionary diplomacy" by sending troops to Mexico after Mexico had a new government take over.

  • Q10

    Amended the Monroe doctrine to give the US international police power to protect its economic interest in Latin America

    Dollar diplomacy

  • Q11

    Hay-Pauncefote Treaty was made with Britain to build this canal after the US threatened Columbia?

    Question Image

    Panama Canal

  • Q12

    Platt Amendment Established?

    a US Naval base and the US would not interfere with Cuba’s independence as long as it stayed a stable country.

  • Q13

    What were the reasons that the US wanted the territory of the Philippines?

    rubber, a port close to china, and impossing our moral right on the people

  • Q14

    This country became a territory under the Treaty of Paris and US used it as a Banana Republic for plantation crops, and  to impose our moral right on the population. This territory later will get voting rights through the Foraker Act of 1900?

    Puerto Rico

  • Q15

    This diplomacy allowed US banks to take over a bankrupt Nicaragua and in return the banks owned the railroads ad port fees.

    Dollar Diplomacy


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