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  • Q1
    In the 1780s, the national government under the Articles of Confederation established its authority in the Northwest Territory by
    rejecting Native American Indian claims of sovereignty
    providing a system for the formation of new states
    extending the nation's border to the Rocky Mountains
    settling the border dispute with Mexico
  • Q2
    A fundamental principle of a republican form of government is that
    governments are not responsible for protecting individual rights
    legislation must be passed by the elected representatives of the people
    hereditary rulers are the legitimate possessors of political power
    laws should be created directly by the citizens
  • Q3
    What was a major argument used by the Antifederalists to oppose ratifying the Constitution?
    Congress was given the power to tax exports.
    The executive branch lacked the power to maintain order.
    The proposed Constitution contained no bill of rights.
    Only the national government could coin money.
  • Q4
    The judicial branch of government can check the legislative branch of government by
    vetoing bills passed by Congress
    calling special sessions of Congress
    declaring laws unconstitutional
    reducing congressional budgets
  • Q5
    The belief expressed in this statement was put into law by the
    Question Image
    creation of the Articles of Confederation
    signing of the Mayfl ower Compact
    establishment of a federal system of government
    addition of the first amendment to the United States Constitution
  • Q6
    Which government action most directly prompted the publication of this poster?
    Question Image
    issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation
    rejection of the Wilmot Proviso
    adoption of the Missouri Compromise
    passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • Q7
    In this 1896 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of
    Question Image
    the Three-fifths Compromise
    affirmative action programs
    Jim Crow laws
    racial integration
  • Q8
    Which government action is directly related to the "clear and present danger" doctrine established in 'Schenck v. United States' (1919)?
    rejecting membership in the League of Nations
    banning immigration from western Europe
    limiting the first amendment rights of antiwar protesters
    passage of the Prohibition amendment
  • Q9
    Which approach best represents the argument made in the passage?
    Question Image
    armed resistance
    civil disobedience
    Black Power
  • Q10
    This cartoonist is critical of the leadership of President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney for
    Question Image
    overusing the presidential veto power
    supporting the clear-cutting of forests
    waging the war in Iraq
    weakening the system of checks and balances
  • Q11
    The Populist movement of the 1890s and the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s are similar in that both movements were attempts to
    improve the lives of groups who were oppressed
    solve the problems brought about by industrialization
    restrict the power of the executive branch
    require state governments to promote racial equality
  • Q12
    The tactics illustrated in the cartoon were most closely associated with
    Question Image
    increased federal spending for education during the 1960s
    Congress promoting increased security after the September 11, 2001 attacks
    government leaders investigating communist activities after World War II
    isolationists supporting neutrality policies during the 1930s
  • Q13
    The primary aim of the writers of the United States Constitution was to
    weaken the independence of the judiciary
    preserve the supremacy of the states
    eliminate the bicameral legislature
    strengthen the power of the central government
  • Q14
    What reason does Mercy Otis Warren give for the position she stated concerning the executive and legislative branches?
    Question Image
    The United States Constitution would benefit only a wealthy few.
    The duties of the president and of Congress were not clearly separated.
    The thirteen states could never agree on important issues.
    Federal courts were a threat to individual liberty
  • Q15
    The power of the president to veto laws and the power of the House of Representatives to impeach are examples of
    the unwritten constitution
    executive privilege
    checks and balances

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