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Using a range of punctuation in descriptive writing

Quiz by Oak National Academy: KS3 English (2)

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    Creating accurate work means ______.
    creating work with some mistakes
    creating work with many mistakes
    creating work with no mistakes
  • Q2
    Which piece of punctuation should you use before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence?
    an exclamation mark
    a comma
    a full-stop
  • Q3
    To have an effect means ______.
    to have a change of heart
    to create feelings of sadness
    to have an influence
  • Q4
    Which piece of punctuation is often used to indicate either a pause, added emphasis, an interruption, or an abrupt change of thought?
    a full-stop
    a dash
    a semi-colon
  • Q5
    In a compound sentence, the comma goes ______.
    after the coordinating conjunction
    before the coordinating conjunction
    around the coordianting conjunction
  • Q6
    In Carroll's 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', he uses a dash after 'I think' multiple times in Alice's speech about falling down the rabbit hole. This could indicate...

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