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Variations in plants and animals

Quiz by Damonica

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an example of a plant adaptation to survive in a desert climate?
    Storing water in its fleshy leaves
    Hibernating during hot weather
    Growing thick fur for insulation
    Living in large groups for protection
  • Q2
    How do animals like polar bears adapt to living in cold environments?
    Migrating to warmer regions during winter
    Growing long necks to reach high branches for food
    Having thick fur and layers of fat for insulation
    Developing bright colors for camouflage in the snow
  • Q3
    Which of the following is an example of an animal adaptation to blend in with its surroundings?
    Using vocal calls to communicate with others
    Having camouflage patterns on its fur or skin
    Running at high speeds to escape predators
    Changing color based on mood or temperature
  • Q4
    What is a common plant adaptation for spreading seeds to new locations?
    Growing tall to reach sunlight for photosynthesis
    Curling up into a ball and rolling down hills
    Producing fruits with seeds that are dispersed by animals
    Releasing colorful smoke signals into the air
  • Q5
    How do some animals adapt to living in dark environments such as caves?
    Building nests out of shiny materials for reflection
    Growing wings to fly in search of light
    Taking frequent naps to conserve energy
    Developing heightened senses like hearing or smell
  • Q6
    What is a common plant adaptation to conserve water in hot and arid climates?
    Having small leaves to reduce water loss through transpiration
    Producing sweet nectar to attract pollinators
    Growing giant leaves to absorb more sunlight
    Changing color to blend in with the surroundings
  • Q7
    How do animals like camels adapt to living in the desert?
    Hibernating during the hottest part of the day
    Developing webbed feet for swimming in oases
    Growing long tusks for digging in the sand
    Being able to store fat in their humps for energy reserves
  • Q8
    What is an example of an animal adaptation for protection against predators?
    Having spines, quills, or sharp claws
    Growing long necks for reaching tall trees
    Developing bright colors for attracting mates
    Using advanced technology for communication
  • Q9
    Which of the following is an example of a plant adaptation to survive in a flood-prone area?
    Changing leaf color based on water levels
    Growing long roots to anchor in the soil
    Producing bright flowers to attract pollinators
    Developing wings to fly to higher ground
  • Q10
    What is a common animal adaptation for living in cold climates?
    Having thick fur or feathers for insulation
    Growing fins for swimming in icy waters
    Hibernating for long periods to conserve energy
    Developing scales for protection against predators

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