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VCE psychology research

Quiz by Fiona Gallagher

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19 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the purpose of the control group in psychology research?
    To collect qualitative data
    To ensure participant anonymity
    To establish a baseline for comparison
    To manipulate the independent variable
  • Q2
    What is the main goal of ethical guidelines in psychology research?
    To ensure complete confidentiality of data
    To protect the rights and well-being of participants
    To maximize the statistical power of the study
    To manipulate the dependent variable
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of random assignment in psychology research?
    To manipulate the independent variable
    To minimize bias and establish cause-and-effect relationships
    To collect qualitative data
    To ensure participant anonymity
  • Q4
    What is the independent variable in psychology research?
    The variable that is measured or observed
    The variable that is determined by chance
    The variable that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher
    The variable that is influenced by the participants
  • Q5
    What is the first step researchers must take before conducting a psychological study?
    Form a research question or problem
    Develop hypotheses
    Decide on research methods and procedures
    Outline a study's aim
  • Q6
    How many hypotheses can a study have?
    At most three
    Exactly one
    More than one
  • Q7
    What is the purpose of outlining a study's aim?
    To form hypotheses
    To have a clear objective for the investigation
    To decide on methods and procedures
    To determine the research question
  • Q8
    What is the second step researchers must take before conducting a psychological study?
    Develop hypotheses
    Outline a study's aim
    Form a research question or problem
    Decide on research methods and procedures
  • Q9
    What is the purpose of developing hypotheses in a study?
    To outline a study's aim
    To determine the research question
    To explore and test different possible explanations
    To decide on research methods and procedures
  • Q10
    What is the purpose of controlled experiments?
    To manipulate the independent variable
    To control all variables
    To test the causal relationship between two variables in a controlled environment
    To measure the dependent variable
  • Q11
    What is the independent variable in an experiment?
    The variable that is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable
    The variable the researcher measures
    The variable that is controlled by the researcher
    The variable for which quantities are manipulated by the researcher
  • Q12
    What is the dependent variable in an experiment?
    The variable the researcher measures for changes due to the effect of the independent variable
    The variable for which quantities are manipulated by the researcher
    The variable that is assumed to have a direct effect on the independent variable
    The variable that is controlled by the researcher
  • Q13
    What is the purpose of the independent variable in an experiment?
    To control all other variables in the experiment
    To measure the strength of the relationship between variables
    To have a direct effect on the dependent variable
    To manipulate the dependent variable
  • Q14
    What is the purpose of the dependent variable in an experiment?
    To observe the relationship between variables
    To measure changes it may experience due to the effect of the independent variable
    To control all other variables in the experiment
    To manipulate the independent variable
  • Q15
    What is the main goal of psychological experiments?
    To investigate the relationship between two variables
    To measure the strength of the relationship between variables
    To control all variables in an experiment
    To manipulate the dependent variable

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