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[VEDU] DSAT V-Zip Quiz Day10(631-700)

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    cohesion (n.)
    an assumption or belief based on limited evidence or without proof / 가정
    a subtle difference in meaning, expression, or sound / 뉘앙스
    a group of people forming a part of a larger group / 단체
    unity, togetherness / 결합, 유대감
  • Q2
    sensible (adj.)
    accompanying / 동반하는
    showing reason or sound judgment / 합리적이고 올바른 판단을 하는
    blessed with a good situation, rights, or riches; in an advantageous state / 특권이 있는, 매우 유리한 위치에 있는
    productive or conducive to producing in abundance; productive of profit / 생산적인
  • Q3
    agitate (v.)
    to refuse to acknowledge; to ignore / 인정하지 않다; 무시
    to stimulate, stir, or rouse / ~를 휘젓다, ~에 자극을 주다
    to make less severe, serious, or painful / 완화하다
    take liberties or act with too much confidence; constitute reasonable evidence for; take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission / 감히 ~하다
  • Q4
    consternation (n.)
    a will to succeed; something one hopes to do / 성공하고자하는 소망; 이루고 싶은 것
    dismay, anxiety / 경악, 당황
    an exact copy, reproduction / 사본, 복제
    policy of extending rule over other countries, usually through force / 제국주의
  • Q5
    replace (v.)
    take the place of / 대체하다
    to clear from blame, declare not guilty / 무죄로 인정하다
    to give an account of; to tell the story of / ~을 말하다, ~을 진술하다, ~을 이야기 하다
    to foster the growth of / ~를 가꾸다
  • Q6
    experiential (adj.)
    kind, generous / 자비로운
    comfortable, without worry / 편안한, 걱정없는
    lacking a plan or purpose / 계획이 없는
    derived from experience or the experience of existence / 경험의, 경험상의
  • Q7
    fortitude (n.)
    a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner / 선구자
    the baby of an organism / (동물의) 새끼
    courage, strength of mind / 인내, 불굴의 정신
    intense dislike, open disrespect / 모독, 증오
  • Q8
    infuse (v.)
    to finish, determine / 결론 짓다
    to make better (more sophisticated, precise, accurate) / ~을 개선하다 (더 수준이 높게, 더 정확하게)
    to rebuild or form again / 재구성하다
    to fill or pervade with a quality or substance / 스며들게 하다
  • Q9
    synthesize (v.)
    combine to form a more complex product / ~를 합성하다
    to treat with excessive indulgence; to allow whatever someone wants / ~을 떠받들다, ~을 오냐오냐해주다
    to criticize, condemn / 비난하다
    to remove or take back / 철회하다
  • Q10
    composure (n.)
    calmness, self-control / 침착함
    unwillingness to accept different beliefs / 편협함
    parts that make up (constitute) a whole; the group of people a politician represents / 구성요소; 어떤 정치인이 대표하는 유권자들
    substance that creates color in clothes, paint, etc / 색을 내는 물질
  • Q11
    looming (adj.)
    not admitting of passage or capable of being affected / 영향받지 않는, 뚫리지 않는
    slightly visible on the horizon (or ahead); upcoming / 어렴풋이 보이는
    noticeable / 눈에 띄는
    unavoidable; happening for sure / 피할 수 없는, 불가피한
  • Q12
    inflammatory (adj.)
    exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; easily broken or damaged / 은은하게 아름답거나; 잘 깨지거나 연약한
    strongly reminiscent or suggestive of something / (향기가) 가득한
    arousing anger or strong emotion / 염려를 불러일으키는
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
  • Q13
    cluster (v.)
    to come together or gather as a larger group / ~을 모으다, (더 큰 그룹으로) 모이다
    to spread or promote widely / 전파하다
    should ~ / ~해야 한다, ~하는게 좋다
    to stimulate, stir, or rouse / ~를 휘젓다, ~에 자극을 주다
  • Q14
    hectic (adj.)
    capable of being shaped or influenced / 성형 가능한
    marked by intense agitation or emotion; crazily busy / (바쁘거나 빨라서) 정신 없는
    never-ceasing; retained; not shed; continually recurring to the mind / 끊임없는, 계속되는
    rival / 경쟁하는
  • Q15
    aptitude (n.)
    inherent ability / 총명함, (주로 지적, 심적) 능력
    preliminary or rough drawing, description / 스케치, 대략적인 묘사
    a pause or gap in a sequence / 틈, 중단
    an explanation / 설명

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