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Veterans 22summer toefl vocab day10

Quiz by 베테랑스 어학원

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  • Q1
    n. 시계a clock or watch
    v. 전송하다, 전염시키다to give or pass (information, values, etc.) from one person to another
    a. {인공위성이} 지구정지궤도상에 있는
    n. 인공위성a machine that is sent into space and that moves around the earth, moon, sun, or a planet
  • Q2
    a. {인공위성이} 지구정지궤도상에 있는
    v. 동시에 발생하다[움직이다]to happen at the same time and speed
    n. 시계a clock or watch
    n. 인공위성a machine that is sent into space and that moves around the earth, moon, sun, or a planet
  • Q3
    n. 인공위성a machine that is sent into space and that moves around the earth, moon, sun, or a planet
    v. 동시에 발생하다[움직이다]to happen at the same time and speed
    a. {인공위성이} 지구정지궤도상에 있는
    n. 삼각 측량a method of finding a distance or location by measuring the distance between two points whose exact location is known and then measuring the angles between each point and a third unknown point
  • Q4
    v. 동시에 발생하다[움직이다]to happen at the same time and speed
    a. {인공위성이} 지구정지궤도상에 있는
    v. 조직화[편성]하다, 조정하다to make arrangements so that two or more people or groups of people can work together properly and well
    n. 삼각 측량a method of finding a distance or location by measuring the distance between two points whose exact location is known and then measuring the angles between each point and a third unknown point
  • Q5
    v. 동시에 발생하다[움직이다]to happen at the same time and speed
    n. 삼각 측량a method of finding a distance or location by measuring the distance between two points whose exact location is known and then measuring the angles between each point and a third unknown point
    v. 조직화[편성]하다, 조정하다to make arrangements so that two or more people or groups of people can work together properly and well
    n. 격자무늬a pattern of lines that cross each other to form squares on a piece of paper, a map, etc.
  • Q6
    n. 삼각 측량a method of finding a distance or location by measuring the distance between two points whose exact location is known and then measuring the angles between each point and a third unknown point
    n. 격자무늬a pattern of lines that cross each other to form squares on a piece of paper, a map, etc.
    v. 조직화[편성]하다, 조정하다to make arrangements so that two or more people or groups of people can work together properly and well
    v. 이해하다an understanding of something
  • Q7
    v. 조직화[편성]하다, 조정하다to make arrangements so that two or more people or groups of people can work together properly and well
    n. 격자무늬a pattern of lines that cross each other to form squares on a piece of paper, a map, etc.
    a. 해군의of or relating to a country's navy
    v. 이해하다an understanding of something
  • Q8
    n. 격자무늬a pattern of lines that cross each other to form squares on a piece of paper, a map, etc.
    n. 선박a ship or large boat
    a. 해군의of or relating to a country's navy
    v. 이해하다an understanding of something
  • Q9
    a. 해군의of or relating to a country's navy
    n. 도래, 출현the time when something begins or arrives, the first appearance of something
    n. 선박a ship or large boat
    v. 이해하다an understanding of something
  • Q10
    n. .지사, 분점 v. 갈라지다[나뉘다]a local office or shop of a company or organization
    n. 도래, 출현the time when something begins or arrives, the first appearance of something
    n. 선박a ship or large boat
    a. 해군의of or relating to a country's navy
  • Q11
    n. .지사, 분점 v. 갈라지다[나뉘다]a local office or shop of a company or organization
    n. 도래, 출현the time when something begins or arrives, the first appearance of something
    a. 궁극적인coming or happening at a later time
    n. 선박a ship or large boat
  • Q12
    n. .지사, 분점 v. 갈라지다[나뉘다]a local office or shop of a company or organization
    n. 도래, 출현the time when something begins or arrives, the first appearance of something
    n. 왜곡to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing
    a. 궁극적인coming or happening at a later time
  • Q13
    n. .지사, 분점 v. 갈라지다[나뉘다]a local office or shop of a company or organization
    n. 왜곡to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing
    a. 궁극적인coming or happening at a later time
    v. …을 기록하다remain fully aware of or informed about
  • Q14
    n. 왜곡to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing
    a. 궁극적인coming or happening at a later time
    n. 가석방to release (a prisoner) on parole
    v. …을 기록하다remain fully aware of or informed about
  • Q15
    v. 트레킹하다to travel by walking through an area with many mountains, rivers, etc., for pleasure and adventure
    v. …을 기록하다remain fully aware of or informed about
    n. 왜곡to change the natural, normal, or original shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is usually not attractive or pleasing
    n. 가석방to release (a prisoner) on parole

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