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Veterans) D.SAT Int W17(5/21)

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    outmoded (adj.)
    out of fashion / 구식의, 유행에 뒤진, 시대에 뒤진
    marked by intense agitation or emotion; crazily busy / (바쁘거나 빨라서) 정신 없는
    given to expressing yourself freely or insistently / 자기 주장을 잘 하는
    never-ceasing; retained; not shed; continually recurring to the mind / 끊임없는, 계속되는
  • Q2
    agenda (n.)
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    storage area or facility / 보고
    thinking, creation (of an idea) / 생각; 어떤 아이디어의 탄생
    a schedule/list of things to take care of in a meeting / 회의에서 다루어야 할 내용들
  • Q3
    preoccupied (adj.)
    inexperienced, gullible, innocent / 경험이 없는, 초짜의; 순수한
    deeply absorbed in thought / 골몰한, 몰두한, 정신이 팔린
    having a tendency for / ~을 믿는 편인, ~하는 경향이 있는
    tending to see the negative/worst; believing in the worst / 부정적인
  • Q4
    pretentious (adj.)
    confused, perplexed / 좌절한, 당황한
    marked by practical hardheaded intelligence / 영리한
    acting or intending to appear better, more important, or distinguished, usually to impress / 허세부리는, 가식적인
    having value that is not acknowledged; not likely to be rewarded / 인정받지 못한
  • Q5
    testimony (n.)
    the relative tendency or disposition to be sociable or associate with one's fellows / 사교성, 붙임성
    method, policy / 방법, 방식, 정책
    an assertion offering support for a fact; a solemn statement given under oath / 증언, 증거
    a biological catalyst / 효소; 활성 단백질
  • Q6
    unfounded (adj.)
    past due; not paid at the scheduled time / 진작 했어야 하는
    acting to result in own failure or demise / 자멸하는
    without basis or evidence / 근거없는
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
  • Q7
    yield (n.)
    a state of turmoil, disorder, agitation, disturbance / 혼란, (사회/정치적인) 불안
    production, produced amount; profit / 생산된 양; 수익
    a clear appearance or expression / 현시, 출현, 나타남
    goal / 목표
  • Q8
    convention (n.)
    a large meeting or assembly, usually for a specific purpose; the traditional method of doing something / 회의, 집회, 대회; 관행
    the relative tendency or disposition to be sociable or associate with one's fellows / 사교성, 붙임성
    quality of doing something easily with little effort / 노력없이 무언가를 잘하는 성질
    language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate / 조롱, 비웃음
  • Q9
    exercise (v.)
    to understand; to include / ~를 이해하다; ~을 포함하다
    to create; to come up with / ~을 만들어내다
    to make up for / ~을 만회하다, (부족했던 것을 대신해) 메꾸다, ~을 보상하다
    to use or utilize / 행사하다, 사용하다
  • Q10
    materialistic (adj.)
    strong and active physically or mentally / 활기찬, 힘찬, 활력이 넘치는
    being or producing something like nothing done, experienced, or created before / 혁신적인, 획기적인; 완전히 새로운
    given to expressing yourself freely or insistently / 자기 주장을 잘 하는
    caring only about money and riches / 속물적인, 돈만 밝히는, 물질주의
  • Q11
    restrained (adj.)
    starting something for the first time; introducing something new / 최초의, 원래의, 창립의
    surpassing a common or expected level; excellent / 우수한
    not showy or obtrusive; suppressing urges / 억제된, 억눌린, 절제된
    dramatic; affected (not genuine) and exaggerated / (연극처럼) 과장된
  • Q12
    lament (v.)
    to compensate for or counterbalance / (반대의 성질의 무언가를) 추가해서 균형을 더 맞추다
    to express grief verbally; to regret strongly / (~에 대한) 슬픔을 표현하다; 애도하다
    be a hindrance or obstacle to / ~가 ~하는 것을 막다, 방해하다
    to say, state, or perform again / ~을 반복하여 말하다
  • Q13
    qualify (v.)
    to support / ~를 지지하다, ~를 더 강력하게 하다
    to limit (a claim); to specify a condition to make a claim narrower / (어떤 주장을) 제한하다, 더 구체적으로 만들다
    to compensate for or counterbalance / (반대의 성질의 무언가를) 추가해서 균형을 더 맞추다
    to cause to be distrusted or disbelieved / ~을 불신하게 하다; ~의 신빙성을 추락시키다
  • Q14
    sketch (v.)
    to be attractive to; to ask for sympathy, mercy, or help / ~에게 매력적으로 느껴지다; ~에 호소하다
    to expose as false / ~가 틀렸음을 폭로/공개하다
    to gain the good will of; to make peace with / ~을 달래다
    to describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of / (대략적으로) 알려주다
  • Q15
    sovereignty (n.)
    authority to govern (oneself or others); an independent state / 자치권, 자주권; 자치국가, 자주국가
    question / 질문
    a statement that limits or restricts some claim / 조건
    oppressive government or rule / 억압하는 정부/통치, 독재

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