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Visible Learning Chapter 3

Quiz by E'liane Khang

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Math "exercises" are what? Pg. 73
    usually written in words
    are problems that are written in context.
    the practice of particular skills, and are noncontextual
  • Q2
    What is the effect size for Spaced vs. Mass Practice? Page 73
  • Q3
    "Spaced Practice" is the practice that is...? Page 73
    mass practice
    only a few exercises or problems on a given concept; assigned each day over several days.
    a speed race with a timer
    a lot of problems given for only one or two days.
  • Q4
    True or False: Tasks should focus exclusively on procedures. Page 74
    False! Students should be expected to engage in reasoning, exploration, flexible thinking, and making connections.
    True! Tasks should always focus on procedures, rules, and rote skill and drill.
    True! Students need non-contextual, deliberate practice NOT guided by the teacher.
  • Q5
    Procedural Fluency cannot be developed without _________________? Page 74
    hundreds of problems on a multitude of worksheets
    a pencil
    true and meaningful comprehension
    "kill and drill" exercises
  • Q6
    Describe the difference between "Difficulty vs. Complexity." Page 76
    Difficulty is how long it will take to answer the question and complexity is refers to how much stamina is required.
    Difficulty is the amount of effort or work one must put in, While Complexity refers to the level of thinking , the number of steps, or the abstractness of the task.
    Difficulty is the number of steps and Complexity refers to the grade level standard.
  • Q7
    The skill of "Strategic Thinking" resides in what quadrant of the Fluency Quadrant? Pg. 77
    High Difficulty/High Complexity
    High Difficulty/Low Complexity
    Low Difficulty/Low Complexity
    Low Difficulty/High Complexity
  • Q8
    While they are not "Bad Tasks" the majority of classrooms' instructional time is spent on this task? Page 82
    Lower-Level Demands (Memorization and Procedures Without Connections)
    Higher-Level Demands (Procedures With Connections and Doing Mathematics)
  • Q9
    Focusing questions allow students to do what? Page 89
    narrow down the possible answers and prevent student thinking.
    guide students down the teacher's path to find the answer.
    To do the cognitive work of learning by helping to push their thinking forward.
    occur when a teacher guides a student to the correct answer.
  • Q10
    Prompts are often used to do what? Page 93-94
    Prompts activate background knowledge and interrupt the temporary forgetting of prior knowledge in the face of new learning.
    Prompts are used to draw attention to relevant information or a certain action needed to move forward.

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