Vocab List 8
Quiz by Christy Davis
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28 questions
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- Q1To go along with; to be together.accompanyineptterritoryconvenient30s
- Q2accompanyLacking in skill or abilityOne that is held prisonerA minor fight or battleTo play a musical instrument for or with.30s
- Q3Being of use; helpful; favorable.supplementbeneficialinvaluablelinger30s
- Q4One that is held prisoner.skirmishretrievecaptiveinterpret30s
- Q5captiveTo be slow in leaving or going away.A land area under control of another government.To translate into another language.Unable to escape or get away.30s
- Q6The state of being held against one's will; loss of freedom.expansecaptivityecstasyconvenience30s
- Q7Suitable for one's needs; making life easier or more comfortable.captiveconvenientaccompanyinvaluable30s
- Q8Anything that makes life easier or more comfortable.ineptsupplementconveniencelinger30s
- Q9A strong feeling of emotion, especially joy.ecstasybeneficialcaptivityinvaluable30s
- Q10Full of or causing ecstasy.lingercaptiveecstaticbeneficial30s
- Q11A wide, open area or surface; a stretch.skirmishcaptivityexpanseterritory30s
- Q12A long journey by a group to explore or do battle.skirmishaccompanyexpeditioncaptivity30s
- Q13expeditionaccompanyA group that makes a journey to explore or to do battle.captivityskirmish30s
- Q14Clumsily or awkwardly expressed; not suitable for the occasion.invaluableconvenientineptbeneficial30s
- Q15ineptTo translate into another language.Lacking in skill or ability.A particular area of land.Too valuable to measure.30s