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Quiz by Roxan Cabria

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  • Q1

    It  refers to the plan that outlines all  allowance, incentives, logistical support, protection  coverage, etc. that your volunteers in an outreach  program/volunteer program will receive, including  emergency or incident management support.

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  • Q2

     pertains to the day-to-day support needs of volunteers such as  accommodation, nourishment, allowance, transportation, and protection. This  also refers to their physiological and psychosocial (i.e., physical, mental and  emotional) wellbeing.

    Welfare Support

  • Q3

    Example of VOLUNTEER SUPPORT- volunteers are hosted by families nominated by the  Madrasa/host community. The organization provides living and  communication allowances as well as medical and accident  insurance on top of the PhilHealth coverage.

    ADDU Madaris volunteers

  • Q4

    Example of VOLUNTEER SUPPORT-  volunteers all have group life and health insurance  (₱50,000.00). The volunteers are also endorsed to locals/foster  parents/municipal health officers. Volunteer coordinators (at least two per  immersion) act as their points of contact. These coordinators call every two days  and visit weekly. There is a joint liability between the local government unit and 

    UP Manila Pahinungod’

  • Q5

    Example of VOLUNTEER SUPPORT- Corporate organizations such as ____________________ Philippines provide food,  transportation, and shirts to their volunteers. They also have security personnel  who accompany their volunteers during activities in communities.

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