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Quiz by VeteransEdu Jeju

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  • Q1
    accommodate (v.)
    to explain or present in detail / 상세히 설명하다
    to make known or communicate / 전하다
    provide lodging or sufficient space for / 수용하다
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
  • Q2
    dispensable (adj.)
    okay to throw away; not absolutely necessary / 버려도 괜찮은; 불필요한
    serving to assist or support / 자회사
    flourishing or spreading unchecked / 만연하는
    engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge / 추측적인
  • Q3
    susceptible (adj.)
    good at using what's available for good results / 재치 있는; 있는 것들을 잘 활용하는
    enabling a person to learn or discover something for themselves / 경험적인
    yielding readily to; especially vulnerable to / ~에 취약한, ~하는 경향이 있는
    often trying to control the behavior of other people in an annoying or unwanted way / 고압적인
  • Q4
    contempt (n.)
    the study of knowledge, belief / 인식론
    intense dislike, open disrespect / 모독, 증오
    agreement reached by a group as a whole / 합의, (그룹 전체의) 동의
    a repetition or copy of something / 반복, 재현
  • Q5
    peremptory (adj.)
    not in proper or equal proportion / 불균형의
    insisting on immediate attention or obedience, often in an abrupt and dismissive manner / 단호한
    displaying vigor; energetic / 생기있는, 살아 움직이는, 활발한
    of vital importance; crucial / 필수적인
  • Q6
    refine (v.)
    to hold (something) back / 숨기다
    to lift/remove and place somewhere else / ~을 (통채로) 옮기다
    to get involved, especially during the middle / 사이에 끼어들다; 개입하다
    to make better (more sophisticated, precise, accurate) / ~을 개선하다 (더 수준이 높게, 더 정확하게)
  • Q7
    inviolable (adj.)
    never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored / 침해받지 않는
    able to be chosen for something / 자격 있는
    sociable, fond of company / 사교적인
    most favorable; best / 최적의
  • Q8
    apprehensive (adj.)
    harsh, discordant / 불협화음의
    feeling anxiety or nervousness / ~을 걱정하는
    having value that is not acknowledged; not likely to be rewarded / 인정받지 못한
    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); resulting in positive results / 생산적인
  • Q9
    apparatus (n.)
    belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine / 이단
    sounds made through speech / 발언, 말
    liquid / 액체(의)
    a tool or equipment / 기구, 조직
  • Q10
    tailored to (adj.)
    genuine / 정중한, 진심을 담은
    proceeding in a gradual, subtle way but with harmful effects / 은밀한
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable; no longer in use / 쓸모없게 된
    made just for ~; customized for ~ / ~에 맞춘
  • Q11
    shroud (v.)
    to make attractive or lovable / ~을 사랑받게 하다, ~을 따르게 하다
    to repeatedly change your opinions or desires / 흔들리다
    to record in detail / ~을 문서로 기록하다, ~을 자세히 기록하다
    to cover or envelop something in a way that obscures or hides it / 뒤덮다
  • Q12
    patron (n.)
    critic, someone who disparages / 험담자, 비평가
    a place where a person lives / 주거, 거주(지)
    a person who supports or gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or cause / 후원자
    a tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged / 관성
  • Q13
    resplendent (adj.)
    seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive, not showing emotion / 금욕주의의, 감정을 보이지 않는
    capable of being easily spread to others / 전염성의
    careful use of money so that it is not wasted / 검소한
    attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous / 눈부신
  • Q14
    cogent (adj.)
    playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way / 기발한
    convincing, logical / 설득력 있는
    happening by chance, lucky / 우연한
    of or related to settling of dirt or soil / 퇴적물의
  • Q15
    compensation (n.)
    a person with whom one works in a profession or business / 동료
    feeling of discomfort / 걱정, 불안
    a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases / 만병통치약
    something (like money) given as payment/reward / 보상

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