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Quiz by Jasonb

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What isthe Judiciary Act of 1789?
    The law established the nation's first federal court system
  • Q2
    Who believed a national bank would only benefit the wealthy?
    Jefferson and Madison
  • Q3
    What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
    Aangry western Pennsylvania grain farmers rebel because of a tax on Whiskey
  • Q4
    Which European Country had a Revolution after the US?
  • Q5
    What was Jay's Treaty? Britain would remove all troops from U.S. soil, ______, and ______.
    Britain would pay damages for ships they'd seized and American ships allowed to trade in the Caribbean.
  • Q6
    Who was Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State for?
    George Washington
  • Q7
    What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions claim?
    It claimed the Alien & Sedition Acts violated the Constitution
  • Q8
    What were the Federalists and Democratic Republicans?
    The first two political parties in the U.S.
  • Q9
    What is Impressment?
    British kidnapping American sailors and making them part of the British navy.
  • Q10
    What did Pinckney's Treaty do?
    Spain agree to reopen the Mississippi River and New Orleans for American farmers to use.
  • Q11
    What is States' Rights and who introduced it?
    The belief that if a state believed a federal law was unconstitutional then it could nullify, or refuse to obey it, was introduced by Jefferson and Madison.
  • Q12
    What was the XYZ Affair during John Adams' Presidency?
    The French demand bribe money from Americans before they could meet with the government of France
  • Q13
    What was the Alien and Sedition Acts?
    Deport any immigrant that he felt was against his policies and arrest anyone who wrote or said anything bad about the government.
  • Q14
    What did Washing announced keeping the US out of war?
    Proclamation of Neutrality
  • Q15
    James Madison was known as the __________.
    "Father of the Constitution"

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