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Wati Chatbot

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the first step to take to build a WhatsApp chatbot?
    Hire a chatbot development company.
    Create a chatbot using coding.
    Download the regular WhatsApp App.
    Download the WhatsApp Business App and set up a WhatsApp business profile.
  • Q2
    Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a benefit of using the Wati chatbot platform?
    Limited analytics capabilities
    Seamless integration
    Robust support
    User-friendly design
  • Q3
    According to the video, what is the key to designing a good chatbot flow?
    Anticipating the user's queries.
    Coding advanced responses.
    Designing an aesthetically pleasing interface.
    Integrating payment gateways.
  • Q4
    How does the video recommend promoting a newly created WhatsApp chatbot?
    Marketing promotions and notifying the existing customer base.
    Sharing the chatbot with friends and family.
    Creating a catchy ringtone for the chatbot.
    Uploading the chatbot to the app store.
  • Q5
    In the context of the video, what does Wati stand for?
    Wireless Access Telephone Interface
    World Wide Web Transfer Internet
    WhatsApp Integration Tool
    Web Application Technology Interface
  • Q6
    What are the benefits of using a WhatsApp Business Profile?
    Creates a personal profile.
    Increases character limit for messages.
    Video doesn't mention specific benefits, but it enhances customer support features.
    Not required for a WhatsApp chatbot.
  • Q7
    What other chatbot platforms are besides Wati?
    Only Wati integrates with WhatsApp.
    They all require coding.
    Video doesn't mention other platforms.
    There are no other options.
  • Q8
    How can I design the flow of my chatbot conversation?
    It requires a lot of trial and error.
    It depends on the coding language.
    Video mentions Wati's interface allows you to anticipate user queries and design responses, but doesn't specify how to design the flow.
    There is no specific way to design the flow.
  • Q9
    How much does it cost to build a WhatsApp chatbot?
    It's always free.
    The cost is the same for any chatbot platform.
    Video talks about building a WhatsApp chatbot in 5 minutes, but doesn't mention the cost.
    There are no paid plans.
  • Q10
    How can I measure the success of my WhatsApp chatbot?
    Success is subjective.
    User engagement is the only metric.
    Video mentions that Wati offers advanced analytics, but it doesn't explain what metrics you can track.
    There are no analytics tools available.

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