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Quiz by Karen Jeremiah

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6 questions
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  • Q1

    Why does the court system often suffer delays

    Juries often need no explanation by the judges

    Parties don't take long to prepare their case

    Judges are always efficient in delivering their decision

    Pre- trial procedures often take a long time 

  • Q2

    Match the weakness with the example

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  • Q3

    Judges can interfere or help a party in a case

    True or False
  • Q4

    What makes the court's resolution of disputes stressful 

    may be very stressful for some

    Parties don't have control of the case

    Having to undertake pre- trial procedures and following directions of judges 
    inaccessible to some parties based on formalities
  • Q5

    How do juror jeopardise a fair outcome

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  • Q6

    Why do the roles and responsibilities of parties and legal practitioners hinder a just outcome in a civil court case?

    The pre-trial procedures apply equally to all parties and do not discriminate against a particular group. 


    the outcome of the dispute can wholly depend on how the parties present their case

    they may take their personal bias into it.


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