Weather Part 1 Vocabulary
Quiz by Brandy Pendley
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15 questions
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- Q1What word is a layer of gases that surrounds the Earth that supports life?weathertroposphereatmospheregases30s
- Q2Which of the following is a state of matter that has no fixed shape and takes on the shape of the space they're in?precipitationmeteorologistgasesweather30s
- Q3What is the layer of the atmosphere where weather like rain takes place called?thermosphereexospheretropospheremesosphere30s
- Q4Which of the following is a gas found in the air that is needed to stay alive, you cannot see it, it takes up 21% of Earth's atmosphere?carbon dioxidenitrogenwater vaporoxygen30s
- Q5Which of the following is a gas that makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere?oxygencarbon dioxidewater vapornitrogen30s
- Q6What is the gas that we breathe out when we exhale, plants absorb it, and it makes up the 1% of other gases in the atmosphere?oxygencarbon dioxidenitrogen30s
- Q7What is the daily state of the atmosphere in any given place called?atmospheretodayoxygenweather30s
- Q8What is a scientist who studies weather called?marine scientistbiologistmeteorologistzoologist30s
- Q9What is water in the form of a gas called?solidoxygenwater vaporliquid30s
- Q10What is a series of events that occurs regularly and ends where it started and repeats called?cycleweatherdead end30s
- Q11What is the repeated movement of water from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back again called?water cycleweatherrepeatlife cycle30s
- Q12What is the changing of a liquid (such as water) to a gas called?runoffevaporationcondensationprecipitation30s
- Q13What is it called when a gas (such as water vapor) turns into liquid?precipitationrunoffcondensationevaporation30s
- Q14What is it called when the water falls from clouds as rain, snow, sleet or hail?precipitationrunoffcondensationevaporation30s
- Q15What is it called when water flows off the land into streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean?runoffcondensationprecipitationevaporation30s