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  • Q1

    Can teach us valuable lessons on how to avoid the recurrence of a negative situation, or at least minimize the impact to review what steps were taken to improve and correct similar situations and continue good strategies to keep the economy flowing in a correct direction.

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  • Q2

    A branch of knowledge that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

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  • Q3

    Deals with the economic behavior of the whole economy or its aggregates such as government,business and households.

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  • Q4

    Deals with the economic behavior of individual units such as the consumers, firms and the owners of the factors of production. It is also known as price theory.

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  • Q5

    Refers to the process of producing or creating goods needed by the household to satisfy their needs.

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  • Q6

    This refers to the marketing of goods and services to the different economic outlets for allocation to individual consumers.

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  • Q7

    This is a process of transferring goods and services to a person or persons in return for something.

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  • Q8

    These resources consist of free gifts of nature for us which include all-natural resources above, on, and below the ground such as soil, rivers, oceans, lakes, forests,mountains, mineral resources and climate.

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  • Q9

    Is believed to have started 200 years ago in the writings of two economists such as Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

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  • Q10

    Refers to the tension between our limited resources and our unlimited wants and needs.

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