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Week 1 - Brazil Reader pp. 1-15

Quiz by Marco Schaumloeffel

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What announcement did the Brazilian government make in 2006 regarding oil production?
    It was going to be one of the largest oil exporters in the world
    It had discovered enormous reserves of oil and natural gas
    It was now self-sufficient in oil production
    It was going to rely solely on renewable energy sources
  • Q2
    What did the decisions of FIFA and the International Olympics Committee to hold their events in Brazil symbolize?
    That Brazil was a global power
    That Brazil's time had finally arrived
    That Brazil had reached its long-promised potential
    That Brazil was not capable of hosting such events
  • Q3
    What led to an explosion of street protests in Brazil in 2013 and 2014?
    Foreign contests over Brazil
    The discovery of enormous oil and natural gas reserves
    The juxtaposition of government spending on stadium construction with flaws in public services
    Political corruption and scandals
  • Q4
    Why was President Dilma Rousseff impeached in 2016?
    Violations of fiscal procedures related to the budget and government disbursements
    Political corruption
    Violations of human rights
    Involvement in the Petrobras scandal
  • Q5
    Which country did the Portuguese ships originally intend to travel to before accidentally discovering Brazil?
    to African countries
  • Q6
    What did the letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha describe that would later bring explorers to the coast of Brazil?
    large cities and ruins
    gold and silver mines
    vast forests of brazilwood trees
    abundant natural resources
  • Q7
    Which country disputed the Portuguese and Spanish rights to territorial possession in Brazil?
  • Q8
    What type of labor did the successful captaincies of Pernambuco and São Vicente rely on for sugar production?
    free labor
    slave labor
    peasant labor
    indentured servitude
  • Q9
    What did Pêro Vaz de Caminha describe as the best fruit that could be gathered from Brazil?
    animal skins
    natural resources
    agricultural produce
    the "salvation" of the indigenous people
  • Q10
    What did Pêro Vaz de Caminha report as the reception of the indigenous people towards the Portuguese explorers?
    fearful and wary
    friendly and curious
    indifferent and apathetic
    hostile and aggressive

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