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WEEK1 DAY05 20240705

Quiz by VeteransEdu Jeju

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    interlocutor (n.)
    very important, significant, all-changing; distinctive/가장 특징적인; 결정적인
    a sudden, violent outburst; a severe attack/발작, 격발
    to explore or investigate deeply/파고들다
    someone who participates in a dialogue or conversation/대화상대, 회화자
  • Q2
    canon (n.)
    1. a rule or principle that is used for evaluation 2. the set of works by an author accepted as authentic or official./1. 교리, 계율, 규범 2. 공식적으로 인정받은 작품 목록
    a statement that is made at the beginning of something (such as a legal document) and usually gives the reasons for the parts that follow/머리말
    to lower in character, status, or reputation/위신을 떨어뜨리다
    to say, state, or perform again/~을 반복하여 말하다
  • Q3
    groundbreaking (adj.)
    being or producing something like nothing done, experienced, or created before/혁신적인, 획기적인; 완전히 새로운
    strongly influencing later developments/영향력있는
    standing straight; having good morals/올바른, 정직한
  • Q4
    utilitarian (adj.)
    to overstate, magnify/과장하다
    a person or entity that acts as a link/중개인
    to destroy completely/전멸시키다
    designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive/실용적인
  • Q5
    affiliate (v.)
    present in all places at all times/어디에나 있는
    to officially attach or associate with/가맹하다
    to get involved, especially during the middle/사이에 끼어들다; 개입하다
    a person who supports or gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or cause/후원자
  • Q6
    belabor (v.)
    to stop being strong or successful; to begin to fail or weaken/흔들리다, 불안정해지 다
    doubt or disbelief in the truth or validity of something/회의
    first; original; of the greatest importance/1. 최초의, 원시의 2. 주요한
    to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent/지나치게 반복하다, 지나치게 강조하다
  • Q7
    profess (v.)
    oily, both literally and figuratively; insincere/기름 같은, 매끈한, 아주 감동한 체하는, 상냥한
    pertaining to the sense of smell/후각의, 냄새의; 후각기관, 코
    in full control of your faculties or movements/차분한, 당황하지 않은
    to declare; to declare falsely or pretend/선언하다; 거짓으로 주장하거나 가장하다.
  • Q8
    flee (v.)
    the body of people entitled to vote in an election; the voters/유권자
    to run away quickly/~을 피해 도망치다, ~에게서 달아나다, ~을 벗어나다
    to vary, expand variety/다양화하다
    not harmful or offensive/무해한
  • Q9
    disposition (old English) (n.)
    a person's inherent qualities of mind and character./성향, 기질
    excess; an excessive amount; excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking/과잉, 과다, 과식
    in terminal decline; lacking vitality or vigor/쇠퇴하는
    1. (n.) a person who run away to avoid being captured 2. (adj.) lasting a very short time/1. (n.) 도망자 2. (adj.) 일시적인
  • Q10
    benign (adj.)
    a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc/반역자
    to disdain; to find someone or something contemptible/경멸, 모욕, 냉소
    favorable, not threatening, mild/친절한, 위협적이지 않은, 온화한
    a social blunder; an embarrassing mistake; a faux pas/실수, 실수, 실수
  • Q11
    post (n.)
    to show or display/~을 전시하다, ~를 보여주다
    a job or position/직책
    the best or most select group/엘리트
    to make (someone) feel very ashamed or foolish/모욕하다
  • Q12
    marginal (adj.)
    so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering/무시할 만한
    of, relating to, or situated at the edge or margin/주변의
    acceptance or openness to different views/관용, 허용
    to cheat, defraud/속이다, 속임수를 쓰다
  • Q13
    voracious (adj.)
    having a very eager approach to an activity; having a strong desire for a particular thing/게걸스러운
    implement of war; the process of arming for war/군비, 군사력
    to picture (something) in your mind/상상하다
    a serious promise or agreemen/맹세(하다)
  • Q14
    ancillary (adj.)
    to make sulky and dissatisfied; to discontent/언짢게 하다, 불평을 품게하다, 불만스러운, disaffect
    not admitting of passage or capable of being affected/영향받지 않는, 뚫리지 않는
    to align or position something relative to a known point or landmark/정렬하다
    subordinate; providing assistance/부수적인, 보조적인
  • Q15
    whence (old English)ad (v.)
    from where/어디로부터
    rotten, foul/썩은, 부패한
    a state of noisy confusion or disorder/소란, 폭풍
    something added on to something else; a supplement/부속물, 첨가물

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