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WH Ch. 17 Terms Practice

Quiz by Mr. Harrison

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  • Q1
    the idea that monarchs are God's representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God.
    Divine Right
  • Q2
    King of Spain from 1556 to 1598. Absolute monarch who helped lead the Counter Reformation by persecuting Protestants in his holdings. Also sent the Spanish Armada against England.
    Philip II
  • Q3
    "Invincible" group of ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to invade England in 1588; Armada was defeated by smaller, more maneuverable English "sea dogs" in the Channel; marked the beginning of English naval dominance and fall of Spanish dominance.
    Spanish Armada
  • Q4
    Spanish writer best remembered for 'Don Quixote' the first modern novel
    Miguel de Cervantes
  • Q5
    Spanish painter (born in Greece) remembered for his religious works characterized by elongated human forms and dramatic use of color (1541-1614)
    El Greco
  • Q6
    greatest Dutch artists of the period; painted portraits of wealthy middle-class merchants
    Rembrandt van Rijn
  • Q7
    1598 - Granted the Huguenots (French protestants) freedom to live in peace and worship in some cities
    Edict of Nantes
  • Q8
    (1585-1642) Minister to Louis XIII. Increased power of Bourbons by 1.) limiting the power of the nobility, and 2.) controlling the Protestants; helped to send France on the road to absolute monarchy.
    Cardinal Richelieu
  • Q9
    (1638-1715) Known as the Sun King, he was an absolute monarch that completely controlled France. One of his greatest accomplishments was the building of the palace at Versailles.
    Louis XIV
  • Q10
    A series of European wars that were partially a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict. It was primarily a battle between France and their rivals the Hapsburg's, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. Its conclusion ended religious wars in Europe.
    Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
  • Q11
    the treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648
    Peace of Westphalia
  • Q12
    This was the Prussian king who gave religious and philosophical toleration to all subjects, abolished torture and made the laws simpler; fought Maria Theresa in War of the Austrian Succession
    Frederick II (the Great)
  • Q13
    Tsar from 1689 to 1725; continued growth of absolutism and conquest; sought to change selected aspects of the economy and culture through imitation of western European models.
    Peter I (the Great)
  • Q14
    Son of King James; Charles also believed in the divine right of Kings and wanted to force his religious policies among the Puritans. The Puritans saw this as the return of Catholic practices and fled to America instead. He was executed by Oliver Cromwell.
    Charles I of England
  • Q15
    Puritan general who helped lead parliamentary forces during the English Civil War, and ruled England as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658.
    Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)

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