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WH Unit 5 NC Review

Quiz by Mr. Harrison

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42 questions
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  • Q1
    Became the sole ruler of the Frankish kingdom; declared Roman Emperor by the pope.
  • Q2
    Laid the foundation for a strong monarchy through his conquest of England.
    William the Conqueror
  • Q3
    a uniform system of law that developed in England based on court decisions; replaced law codes that varied from place to place
    Common Law
  • Q4
    document limiting royal power that English nobles forced King John to sign
    Magna Carta
  • Q5
    A series of military expeditions launched by Christian Europeans to win the Holy land back from Muslim control.
    The Crusades
  • Q6
    a code of rules and expectations for knights; it governed religious, moral, and social matters.
  • Q7
    rounded arches, vaulted ceilings, heavy walls ornately decorated.
    Romanesque Architecture
  • Q8
    Characterized by pointed arches, high ceilings, flying buttresses, and large stained-glass windows
    Gothic Architecture
  • Q9
    the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
  • Q10
    Series of battles to settle the issue of English control of land in France; it began when Edward III of England claimed the French throne
    Hundred Years War
  • Q11
    peasant girl who led French army to victory over the English in the Hundred Years' War; she claimed to have received a message from God telling her that the French would win despite having been on the losing side so far. She was eventually captured by the English and burned at the stake.
    Joan of Arc
  • Q12
    the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages; caused the Roman Church to lose power and influence since priests and nuns were unable to offer protection
    Black Death
  • Q13
    Also known as the medieval period, the time between the collapse of the Roman Empire in the fifth century AD and the beginning of the Renaissance in the fourteenth century.
    Middle Ages
  • Q14
    Germanic people who invaded Gaul. Their leader was Clovis and he would later bring Christianity to the region. By 511 the Franks had united into one kingdom and they controlled the largest and strongest parts of Europe.
  • Q15
    Religious communities where monks resided; sites of education during middle ages

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