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What a Bird Thought!

Quiz by Clipsy Pereira

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3 questions
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  • Q1
    Who covers and protects the nest?
    The little bird's mother covers and protects the nest.
    The sky covers and protects the nest.
    The trees covers and protects the nest.
  • Q2
    What does the bird mean when it says that it "lived there very well"?
    The Bird means to say that it was very sad, living inside the shell.
    The Bird means to say that it was very angry, living inside the shell.
    The Bird means to say that it was very happy, living inside the shell.
  • Q3
    Why did the bird think that the world was made of leaves?
    The bird thought that the world was made up of leaves as it had just tried to fly beyond its nest on the tree, and could only see green leaves around it.
    The bird thought that the world was made up of cotton, as it had just tried to fly beyond its nest on the tree, and could only see green leaves around it.

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