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What do Christians think about the existence of God

Quiz by UKS2

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    What do Christians think about the existence of God?
    God may or may not exist
    God doesn't exist
    God exists
    Christians don't have a belief in God
  • Q2
    How do Christians worship God?
    Through fasting and meditation
    Through prayer, singing, and attending church services
    Through playing sports and being outdoors
    Through reading books and studying
  • Q3
    Where do Christians believe they can find guidance from God?
    In scientific research
    In personal opinions and beliefs
    In fortune telling and astrology
    In the Bible
  • Q4
    Who do Christians believe Jesus Christ is?
    A prophet
    A teacher
    The Son of God
    A fictional character
  • Q5
    What do Christians believe about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
    Jesus never died
    Jesus is still alive on Earth
    Jesus rose from the dead
    The resurrection is a myth
  • Q6
    What is the central symbol of Christianity?
    The crescent moon
    The cross
    The star of David
    The om symbol
  • Q7
    What is the Christian celebration that commemorates the birth of Jesus?
  • Q8
    What is an atheist?
    A person who does not believe in any gods or deities
    A person who believes in one god
    A person who believes in many gods
    A person who believes in ghosts and spirits
  • Q9
    What is the main reason someone might be an atheist?
    They don't find enough evidence to believe in a god or gods
    They want to be rebellious
    They were raised in a non-religious family
    They don't like going to religious places
  • Q10
    What do Christians believe about the existence of God?
    Christians do not believe in the existence of God.
    Christians believe that God is a myth.
    Christians believe that God existed in the past but not anymore.
    Christians believe that God exists.
  • Q11
    Why do people choose to believe in God?
    Because they find comfort in religion
    Because they are forced to believe
    Because they want to follow traditions
    Because they want to be popular
  • Q12
    What is the purpose of prayer?
    To get good luck
    To communicate with God
    To waste time
    To exercise the mind
  • Q13
    What is a common reason for people to believe in God?
    To gain supernatural powers
    To prove others wrong
    To find meaning and purpose in life
    To become famous
  • Q14
    What is one benefit of believing in God?
    Being exempt from rules
    Becoming invincible
    Finding strength in difficult times
    Getting free gifts
  • Q15
    How do Christians believe the world began?
    God created the world
    Cars and animals came together to form the world
    The world was created by aliens
    The world has always existed

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