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What's the Profit?

Quiz by Ocean Diver

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    Natalie lives with her mom. What kind of expense is a house payment?
    Fixed expense because the amount is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the amount usually changes every month.
    Fixed expense because the house payment is usually paid for after one month.
    Variable expense because the amount is not due every month.
  • Q2
    Lily likes to take many showers. What kind of expense is the water bill?
    Fixed expense because the water bill is usually paid for after four months.
    Variable expense because the amount usually changes every month.
    Fixed expense because the water bill is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the payment is not due every month.
  • Q3
    Nasyier's mom needed money to buy another car. What kind of expense is a $5,000 bank loan?
    Variable expenses because the payment is not due for months.
    Fixed expenses because the bank loan is usually paid off after one month.
    Variable expenses because the bank loan usually changes every month.
    Fixed expenses because the amount due is usually the same every month.
  • Q4
    Sean broke his arm playing four square. What kind of expense is health/dental insurance?
    Question Image
    Fixed expense because the amount due is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the amount due changes every month.
    Fixed expense because health insurance is usually paid for after two months.
    Variable expense because the payment is not due every month.
  • Q5
    Savannah bought an old dress. She fixed it up and sold it. How much was her profit? $11.56 Price of the dress..... $2.54 cost of new buttons...... $6.20 cost of new ribbon for it. Selling cost was $35.00
    Question Image
  • Q6
    Anahie watches a lot of T.V. at home. What kind of expense are the utilities?
    Fixed expense because the utility payments are paid after three months.
    Fixed expense because the utilities are usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the utilities are not due every month.
    Variable expense because the utilities usually change every month.
  • Q7
    Zoey bought a lot of groceries for a party she's having. What kind of expense are groceries?
    Question Image
    Variable expense because the groceries are not due every month.
    Fixed expense because the groceries are usually paid off after two months.
    Fixed expense because the groceries are usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the amount usually changes every month.
  • Q8
    John and his family are going to Disneyland this summer. What kind of expense is a vacation loan of $ 4,000 ?
    Fixed expense because the loan is usually paid after one month.
    Variable expense because the payment is not due every month.
    Fixed expense because the amount due is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the amount due is usually changes every month.
  • Q9
    Juel's Mom drives him to football practice every week. What kind of expense is car gasoline?
    Question Image
    Variable expense because the amount usually changes every month.
    Variable expense because the car gasoline bills are not due each month.
    Fixed expense because the amount usually stays the same every month.
    Fixed expense because car gasoline is usually paid for after five months.
  • Q10
    London loves to help his mom bake cookies in the oven on Saturdays. What kind of expense is the utilities?
    Variable expense because the payment usually changes every month.
    Fixed expense because the bill amount is usually not due every month.
    Fixed expense because the bill amount is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the payment is usually paid for after six months.
  • Q11
    Alyssa wants new clothes for the first day of school. What kind of expense are clothes?
    Fixed expenses because clothes expenses are usually paid for after six months.
    Variable expenses because clothes expenses are not due every month.
    Fixed expense because clothes expenses are usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because clothes expenses usually change every month.
  • Q12
    Desiree and her friends went to the movies and ate popcorn. What kind of expense is the money used for entertainment?
    Question Image
    Fixed expense because entertainment expenses are usually the same every month.
    Fixed expenses because entertainment expenses are not due for several months.
    Variable expense because entertainment expenses usually change every month.
    Variable expense because entertainment expenses are paid for every two months.
  • Q13
    Dereck's Mom needed a new refrigerator. She borrowed a $2, 345 bank loan to buy a new one. What kind of expense is that?
    Fixed expense because the bank loan is usually paid for after one month.
    Fixed expense because the amount due is usually the same every month.
    Variable expense because the bank loan amount is not due every month.
    Variable expense because bank loan amount changes every month.
  • Q14
    Rene likes to play on his Play station 3 all day long. What kind of expense is the electricity bill?
    Variable expense
    It was a Christmas gift so it does not use electricity.
    Fixed expense
    Electricity is free.
  • Q15
    Oscar bought a broken remote car. He fixed it and sold it. What's his profit? $10.05 price of the broken car. $12. 34 cost of new tires. $4.87 cost of new battery. Selling price $73.00
    Question Image

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