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Which Health Skill Is It?

Quiz by Angela Buckman

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23 questions
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  • Q1
    Jack presents a power point to his health class on the importance of getting 8-10 hours of sleep for good health. He encourages his classmates to turn off the electronics before bed and set a specific bed time.
  • Q2
    Martha's friends are pressuring her to go to a party on Friday. She knows there will not be any adult supervision. She tells her friends no, and that if they want they can come over and watch movies at her house instead on Friday.
    refusal skills and decision making
  • Q3
    Ella listened as Ruthie explained how the team won the game, and how they only missed two free throws.
    communication skills
  • Q4
    Trevor saw an infomercial for a new technology product. He checked into who the source was that was selling the product and then investigated the motive behind why the company was selling the product. The company (source) was reputable and the motive was to help improve the health of the person using the product.
    analyzing influences and accessing information
  • Q5
    Jamie has been researching facts about emphysema from reliable health sources such as the CDC and Medline Plus.
    accessing information
  • Q6
    Fred and George were having a heated conversation about who was going to take out the trash and who was going to do the dishes. They decided to flip a coin for this time and make a schedule for the future.
    conflict resolution and decision making
  • Q7
    Mike wasn't sure what to wear to the Halloween Dance at school. After much debate between Super Man and Captain America, he chose to go as Captain America.
    decision making
  • Q8
    Sherri wants to go snow skiing over the break, so she saves her money from baby sitting, and does extra chores around the house to earn money. She asks her parents if they would drive her and two of her friends to Hidden Valley on December 28.
    goal setting
  • Q9
    Tiffany does yoga four times a week for her health and to manage her stress.
    stress management
  • Q10
    Brad brushes his teeth twice a day, once in the morning and at night before he goes to bed. He also flosses between his teeth before bed.
    practicing healthful behaviors
  • Q11
    Emma writes down her assignments in her planner and checks her planner at the end of 8th hour to make sure she has what she needs before she leaves school for the day.
    stress management
  • Q12
    Missy and Joann have been friends since kindergarten. This year, however they have grown apart and have started hanging out with other groups. Missy wants Joann to go with her and her new friends to the mall, but Joann wants Missy to go with her and her new friends to the movies. They agree to do both and if their new friends don't want to go to one, then they can meet up with them for the other.
    conflict resolution
  • Q13
    Josh runs 3 miles 3-5 times a week, and eats fruits and vegetables each day to maintain good health so that he does not develop type 2 diabetes.
    prevention and practicing healthful behaviors
  • Q14
    You listen to a friend who is sad because his parents got divorced.
    communication skills
  • Q15
    You look up tonsillitis in the encyclopedia.
    accessing information

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