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Who knows why we hand wash?

Quiz by Helen Duggan

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    Why should we wash our hands?
    To reduce and stop the spread of infection to other people by direct contact.
    It’s a great way to spend time with family and friends.
    To ensure our skin smells nice.
    We don’t need to really.
  • Q2
    When should we wash our hands?
    When you are bored.
    After eating.
    After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing and touching vulnerable people.
    Before going to the toilet.
  • Q3
    How many steps are there to effective hand washing?
    3 steps
    6 steps
    5 steps
    4 steps
  • Q4
    How long should we wash our hands for?
    A minimum of 20 seconds.
    2 minutes
    20 minutes
    1 minute
  • Q5
    Name another occasion when we should wash our hands?
    After getting out of bed
    Anytime but not now
    Before, during and after preparing food and before and after eating food.
  • Q6
    Name another occasion when we should wash our hands?
    Before going out
    Before using your computer
    After using the toilet.
    Before using the toilet
  • Q7
    Name another reason why we should wash our hands?
    When someone is watching,
    It’s the right thing to do
    Effective hand washing removes visible traces of dirt, viruses and bacteria that can be spread to other people.
    Hands get dirty

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