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WHS in Hospitality Industry

Quiz by Kellie Murray

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3 questions
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  • Q1

    When do you wash your hands?

    After you have had a break & have been to the toilet.

    When you first walk into your workplace.

    All of the above. 

    After you have handled money.

  • Q2

    There is a trip hazard in a walk way.  What do you do?

    Leave it there, someone else will deal with it.

    Identify the hazard, remove it & report it so that it doesn't happen again.

    Alert my manager & leave it unattended while they sort it out.

  • Q3

    What does the acronym R.A.C.E stand for in regard to fire safety?

    Run away fast. Alert the fire brigade. Calm your farm. Eat your dinner.

    Remove people from immediate danger. Alert others, raise alarm. Confine Fire & Smoke. Extinguish.

    React calmly. Assess the damage. Call 000. Evacuate now.


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