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Why do we exsist?

Quiz by Esau Rodriguez

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the most important factor that determines Earth's temperature?
    Proximity or distance from the sun
    Proximity or distance from the moon
    Gas composition of the atmosphere
    The amount of water on Earth
  • Q2
    Earth is currently 150 million km away from the Sun. If Earth was 200 million km away from the Sun, it would no longer support life because-
    The temperature would be to cold
    the oxygen would leave the atmosphere
    the surface water would evaporate
    there would be less exposure to the solar wind
  • Q3
    The layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere of Earth is important to life because it shields Earth from -
    Solar Winds
    Ultraviolet Radiation
  • Q4
    Which of the following characteristics of the planet, Earth, is essential to the survival of every living organism?
    The Moon
    The Earths Orbit
    Abundance of Water
    The Earths Rotation
  • Q5
    Which of the following characteristics of Jupiter best explains why Jupiter does not support life, while Earth does? Jupiter -
    Lack of Water
    The Moons of Jupiter
    Jupiter's Rotation
    Jupiter's Orbit
  • Q6
    Which of the following characteristics of a planet will have the greatest influence on determining whether or not its temperature will be suitable to support life?
    The number of volcanoes
    The gravitational force
    The rotation of the planet
    The distance from the sun
  • Q7
    Which of the following data could be collected about a planet in a distant planetary system, which might give scientists information about whether or not life exists on that planet?
    The number of other planets in our solar system
    orbit of the planet
    Rotation of the planet
    The presence of an ozone layer
  • Q8
    If Earth were much smaller than it is now, it would not support life because it would not have enough mass to -
    collect needed radiant energy from the Sun.
    The Earth would not have enough gravity to support an atmosphere
    maintain a gravitational pull on the Moon.
    rotate on its axis once per day.
  • Q9
    Which of the following discoveries about Mars suggests conditions that may have once supported life? Mars has -
    The tallest mountain in our solar system
    Small amounts of water in the soil
    two moons orbiting the planet
    Small atmosphere
  • Q10
    All of the following characteristics of Jupiter's moon, Europa, are conditions that make it suitable for supporting life EXCEPT -
    Has an Atmosphere
    surface temperature of -260 F.
    Gravity on the surface
    Water on Surface
  • Q11
    Earth's atmosphere contains water vapor and carbon dioxide. These greenhouse gases are important because they-
    Create the gravitational field of the earth
    trap thermal energy in the atmosphere.
    Protect against magnetic particles
    They are what animals need to breath
  • Q12
    A planet's ability to support life is partly determined by its orbit around the Sun, which is a result of the combination of the planet's momentum, and the Sun's -
    high temperatures
    Gravitational Pull
    gas composition
    absolute luminosity.
  • Q13
    The ozone layer is degraded by certain chemicals that create holes in the ozone layer. If the presence of these chemicals significantly increases, it is reasonable to predict that organisms would -
    experience colder temperatures.
    run out of drinking water.
    be more exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
    have a difficult time breathing.
  • Q14
    Scientists are constantly exploring the universe, looking for new planets that support life similar to the life on Earth. A new planet that supports life would be expected to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT -
    Gaseous Atmosphere
    Protection from radiation
    an orbiting moon.
    Liquid Water
  • Q15
    The Sun releases streams of charged particles called solar wind. What protects living organisms on Earth from the harmful effects of solar wind?
    High-level clouds
    The magnetosphere
    The ozone layer
    Ocean reflectivity

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