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winter vacation TKM chapter 13

Quiz by Allison Shi

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Who comes to live with the Finches in Chapter 13?
    Aunt Alexandra
    Uncle Jack
    Cousin Francis
    Miss Maudie
  • Q2
    Why does Aunt Alexandra decide to stay with the Finches?
    She wants to be closer to Atticus during the trial.
    She believes the children need a feminine influence.
    She is lonely living by herself.
    She wants to help with the housework.
  • Q3
    How does Scout feel about Aunt Alexandra's arrival?
    She is indifferent to her presence.
    She is pleased to have company in the house.
    She is unhappy and feels her life will be disrupted.
     She is excited for her arrival.
  • Q4
    What does Aunt Alexandra emphasize as important to the Finch family?
    Family heritage
    Hard work
  • Q5
    What does Aunt Alexandra try to instill in Scout?
    The knowledge of Maycomb's history
    The importance of being a tomboy
    The ability to cook and clean
    The skills of a Southern lady
  • Q6
    Aunt Alexandra is concerned about the way Atticus is raising his children because:
    She thinks they are too wild and undisciplined.
    She believes they lack knowledge of their family's social standing.
    She feels they should have stricter educational tutoring.
    She is worried they are not religious enough.
  • Q7
    What is Aunt Alexandra's opinion on the Cunningham family?
    She admires their hard work and honesty.
    She considers them equal to the Finches.
    She believes they are the best family in Maycomb.
    She thinks they are not a good influence.
  • Q8
    How does Atticus explain the concept of "gentle breeding" to Scout and Jem?
    As a meaningless concept that should be ignored
    As a way to control who they should socialize with
    As an important aspect of their family's history
    As a set of qualities like honor and integrity
  • Q9
    What does Scout find under her bed after Aunt Alexandra's arrival?
    A family tree prepared by Aunt Alexandra
    A runaway Dill
    Jem's old football
    A box of old photographs
  • Q10
    What is the "foot-washing Baptist" belief Aunt Alexandra criticizes?
    That any pleasure is a sin
    That one should wash others' feet as a sign of humility
    That dancing is immoral
    That women should not wear jewelry or dresses

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