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Women's History

Quiz by N Madrigal

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40 questions
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  • Q1
    Pioneer environmentalist- wrote the book that helped create the environmentalist movement in the late 20th century.
    Rachel Carson
  • Q2
    a dancer and choreographer best known as a leader of the modern dance expressionist movement, expressing emotion through dance
    Martha Graham
  • Q3
    the first woman in the world to graduate from medical school. Blackwell was also a pioneer in the education of women in medicine
    Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Q4
    an anthropologist whose groundbreaking work, especially in Samoa in the 1920s with animals in the wild
    Margaret Mead
  • Q5
    A pioneer in social work-founded Hull-House in the 19th century and led it well into the 20th
    Jane Addams
  • Q6
    singer in Harlem's Cotton Club and rose to stardom in both the film and music industries
    Lena Horne
  • Q7
    leader and strategist of the 19th century's women's rights movement, though her friend and lifelong partner in activism, Susan B. Anthony, was more of a public face to the movement.
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Q8
    one of the few women to succeed as a muckraker. She exposed the predatory pricing practices of John D. Rockefeller
    Ida Tarbell
  • Q9
    guided the Lewis and Clark expedition, not completely of her own volition. In 1999 her image was selected for the U.S. dollar coin
  • Q10
    the wife of the second U.S. president and mother of the sixth. Her intellect and lively wit come alive in her many letters, which were preserved
    Abigail Adams
  • Q11
    first American woman astronaut in space, a NASA planner, and a science professor.
    Sally Ride
  • Q12
    Her novels, including "Their Eyes Were Watching God," have enjoyed a revival in popularity since the 1970s,
    Zora Neale Hurston
  • Q13
    Impressionist painter, often focused on themes of mothers and children. Her work gained in recognition after her death.
    Mary Cassatt
  • Q14
    an American painter with a unique, spare style. In her later years, she moved to New Mexico, where she painted many desert scenes.
    Georgia O'Keeffe
  • Q15
    African-American actress, dancer, singer, and civil rights activist. After World War II she was decorated by the French government for her work in the Resistance
    Josephine Baker

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