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Word of the Day Quarter 2

Quiz by Kelly Nistler

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the definition of the word abominable?
    a fight
    always changing
    deserving or causing disgust
    a snowman
  • Q2
    What does the word "fickle" mean?
    partially open
    changing frequently, especially one's opinion or loyalties
    a type of pickle
    deserving disgust
  • Q3
    What does the word "brawl" mean?
    a fight
    a trip on a plane
    leave open
    spread out evenly
  • Q4
    What does the word "ajar" mean?
    partially open
    a fight
    a container for pickles
    a growl
  • Q5
    What does "quandary" mean?
    something disgusting
    changing your mind
    a difficult or uncertain situation; state of puzzlement
    left open
  • Q6
    What does the word "hypocrite" mean?
    a failure to act in a normal way
    A person who claims certain beliefs they do not really possess
    a hyper animal
    a city in Europe

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