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Wordwright Challenge Voc. #1

Quiz by Tia Miller

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32 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a "vocation"?
    a particular occupation, business, or profession
    a great number
    any of various types of sailing vessel having a foremast and mainmast
    the outlying district or region, as of a city, metropolitan area, or the like
  • Q2
    What is "navigation"?
    the ropes, chains, etc., employed to support and work the masts, yards, sails, etc., on a ship
    a very strong wind
    a simultaneous or successive discharge of artillery, bombs, etc.
    the art or science of plotting, ascertaining, or directing the course of a ship
  • Q3
    What is a "babel"?
    a shipwrecked person
    a youth, especially an impudent or despised one
    a confused noise, typically that made by a number of voices
    pretending or feigning; make-believe
  • Q4
    What does it mean to "quell" something?
    to guess; speculate
    to perplex or amaze, especially by a sudden disturbance or surprise; bewilder; confuse
    to utter or direct a threat against; threaten
    to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
  • Q5
    What is a "mutiny"?
    a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect
    an oarsman at the bow of a boat
    revolt or rebellion against constituted authority, especially by sailors against their officers
    any of various crane-like devices used singly or in pairs for supporting, raising, and lowering especially boats, anchors, and cargo
  • Q6
    What does it mean to be "unflinching"?
    of great weight; heavy; massive
    not genuine, authentic, or true
    free from or unaffected by passion; calm
    not drawing back or shrinking from what is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant
  • Q7
    What does it mean to "confound" something or someone?
    to administer or apply
    to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
    to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from evidence
    to perplex or amaze, especially by a sudden disturbance or surprise; bewilder; confuse
  • Q8
    What is a "salvo"?
    a simultaneous or successive discharge of artillery, bombs, etc.
    freedom from doubt, especially in matters of faith or opinion; certainty
    eagerness; greediness
    a single-masted sailing vessel
  • Q9
    What is a "whelp"?
    a youth, especially an impudent or despised one
    pretending or feigning; make-believe
    excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.
    a platform at the head of a fore lower mast of a ship
  • Q10
    What is an "affront"?
    a great number
    a particular occupation, business, or profession
    a sail or either of two sails set on the yard or yards of a topgallant mast
    a personally offensive act or word; deliberate act or display of disrespect
  • Q11
    What does it mean to "minister" something?
    to move along or travel over water
    to suppress; put an end to; extinguish
    to perplex or amaze, especially by a sudden disturbance or surprise; bewilder; confuse
    to administer or apply
  • Q12
    What is "vanity"?
    excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.
    freedom from doubt, especially in matters of faith or opinion; certainty
    the ropes, chains, etc., employed to support and work the masts, yards, sails, etc., on a ship
    any of various types of sailing vessel having a foremast and mainmast
  • Q13
    What is a "pretense"?
    eagerness; greediness
    pretending or feigning; make-believe
    an oarsman at the bow of a boat
    a confused noise, typically that made by a number of voices
  • Q14
    What does it mean to be "spurious"?
    full of a desire to harm, annoy, or frustrate another
    not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit
    high up; far above the ground
    characterized by a rhythmical swing or cadence
  • Q15
    What does it mean to be "dispassionate"?
    characterized by a rhythmical swing or cadence
    full of a desire to harm, annoy, or frustrate another
    of great weight; heavy
    free from or unaffected by passion; calm

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