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World War 1

Quiz by Doyle

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24 questions
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  • Q1
    The spark that caused the start of World War I was?
    Revolutionaries overthrew the Russian government.
    Britain made an alliance with France.
    the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Germany sought additional colonial territories.
  • Q2
    The Triple Alliance was made up of?
    Russia, Austria-Hungary, and France
    France, Germany, and Italy
    Britain, France, and Germany
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  • Q3
    Which nations were the first to get involved in the initial conflict between Serbia and Austria/Hungary?
    Germany and Russia
    France and Belgium
    United States and Britain
    Italy and Bulgaria
  • Q4
    Why were tensions heightened among countries in Europe after 1900?
    Nations began mobilizing for war.
    Some nations refused to trade with each other.
    People were joining the Black Hand.
    Socialists had seized power.
  • Q5
    The Schlieffen Plan called for a two-front war against?
    U.S. and Russia.
    France and Serbia
    Germany and France.
    France and Russia
  • Q6
    Great Britain declared war on Germany, officially for violating?
    Stealing a fleet of submarines
    Belgian neutrality
    rule over the North American continent
    3 trillion dollars in gold pact
  • Q7
    Initially, the war effort on the Western Front was characterized by
    trench warfare that kept both sides in the same position for four years.
    decisive victories by the French army and swift retreat of German forces.
    innovative strategies that used new technologies available to both armies.
    slow but steady advancement of the German army on the ground.
  • Q8
    In general, the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles focused mainly on
    decreasing American influence.
    strengthening the Ottoman empire.
    punishing Germany.
    increasing German power.
  • Q9
    The eastern front can be characterized by?
    Great Britain entering the war.
    Mobility and enormous loss of lives.
    Russia withdrew from the war.
    The Ottoman Empire entering the war.
  • Q10
    The sinking of the Lusitania helped draw the United States into the war because?
    Russian’s disliked Americans.
    the Czar came back into power.
    100 Americans killed in the sinking of Lusitania
    50 Americans being saved by the U-boat Lusitania.
  • Q11
    Which of the following groups seized complete control of Russia in 1917?
    the Serbian nationalists
    the Black Hand
    the Whites
    the Bolsheviks
  • Q12
    The immediate cause of the United States involvement in the war grew out of?
    rejection of strong central governments.
    expansion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
    The naval war between Germany and Great Britain.
    elimination of ethnic minorities in eastern Europe.
  • Q13
    What aspects of colonial rule were oppressive?
    Increased productivity of industrial workers
    safe working conditions
    Peasants working in unhealthy conditions for low wages
    Increased urbanization
  • Q14
    Germany was especially opposed to Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles because it
    held Germany (and Austria) responsible for the war and required reparations.
    returned the territories of Alsace and Lorraine to France.
    awarded sections of eastern Germany to the new Polish state.
    forced Germany to reduce the size of its army and navy.
  • Q15
    Laws called “factory acts” were passed in the early 1800s to
    provide the right to vote for working-class men.
    reform child labor.
    allow workers to organize into unions.
    provide free education for working children.

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